Waters' Charlotte Cushman (1882)

Cushman Actor Series.png

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Waters' Charlotte Cushman (1882)


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


The biography is part of an American Actor Series. It focuses on Cushman's stage career and includes letters, lists of performances and casts, advertisements of Cushman's performances, as well as articles. The Fields are, for instance, not mentioned. Waters could also draw from Cushman's diary (32). Apparently, Waters herself saw Cushman on stage.
Harriet Hosmer and Grace Greenwood are mentioned only once (71). Hays is never mentioned.


Hathi Trust


Waters, Clara Erskine Clement, 1834-1916







Auto/Biography Item Type Metadata


[page 176] "I hold Miss Cushman—barring the Balcony scene, in which I must confess she was eclipsed by Signor Rossi—to be the best Romeo I ever saw. Best, because as a woman she knew what love was, and as a woman knew how love should be made."
[page 147] "No words written by another can give the full insight into Miss Cushman’s nature that her own letters fur nish, and Miss Stebbins has permitted the use of such letters as are wished for from her own biography of her friend. Those which follow reveal much of her personal feel ing and her mode of reasoning, and give certain expe riences in her own graphic and forceful manner. The first quotations are extracts from her letters to a young fiiehd who was afterwards successful as an actress, and played in both England and America."
[preface] "Her dramatic career will be the subject of this volume, and no space will be found for the picturing of her private life. There is, however, no regret felt on this account, since all that relates to Charlotte Cushman as a woman and as a friend belongs more especially to those who were near and dear to her, and all that concerns the outside world in this regard has been told by her chosen friend and biographer far more suitably than another could hope to tell it. To Miss Stebbins I wish to express my thanks here for her generous assistance in placing so many of Miss Cushman's private letters at my disposal. To. Mr. H. A. Clapp, Mr. Lawrence Barrett, Mr. Joseph N. Ireland, Mr. William Winter, Mr. George Vandenhoff, Mr. William T. W. Ball, Mr. Laurence Hutton, and to others also, I am indebted for much valuable information regarding my subject."


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Hathi Trust, https://hdl.handle.net/2027/inu.30000047569433. Accessed 8 April 2021.

Secondary Texts: Comments

mentioned in Willard, page 752

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Waters, Clara Erskine Clement, 1834-1916, “Waters' Charlotte Cushman (1882),” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 22, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/61.

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