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  • Tags: public intimacy

"Nearly Ready. Life of Charlotte Cushman," Publishers' Weekly, May 11, 1878

1878. Publishers Weekly. Sisterly Affection - Omeka.pdf
The advertismement of Emma Stebbins's biography of Charlotte Cushman includes two paragraphs of praise published by the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Cushman's and Stebbins's relationships is described as "the strongest sisterly affection" and…

Stebbins as Intimate Friend, Publishers' Weekly, May 4, 1878

1878. Publishers Weekly. Stebbins as Intimate Friend - Omeka.pdf
The advertisment of Emma Stebbins's biography of Charlotte Cushman describes Stebbins as an "intimate friend" of the actress with "access" to the latter's life writing documents- Credit Publishers' Weekly Digital Archive

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, n.d.

CCP 3, 846-847, CC to ECC, nd. Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman discusses accommodation arrangements and laments the physical distance between her and Emma, she "cannot bear to have you down there & I up here." Credit Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division,…

"Society News and Chat," Sunday Herald, Mar 30, 1890 to Mar 29, 1908

1890. Sunday Herold. Society News and Chat (1890).pdf
"Society News and Chat" is a column in the Sunday Herald that recounts the most recent local and foreign gossip, ranging from marriage arrangements to social receptions to news about prominent figures from abroad.The included file only serves as an…

"Fashion and Gossip," Flag of Our Union, Jan 12, 1867 to May 14, 1870

Flag of our Union. 1868. Fashion and Gossip (telegram style).pdf
"Fashion and Gossip" is a column inFlag of Our Union that recounts the most recent fashion trends for women as well as the latest home and foreign gossip, ranging from local marriage arrangements to news about prominent figures from abroad.The…

"Table Gossip," Boston Daily Globe, Dec 17, 1873 to Dec 25, 1927

Boston Daily Globe_Table Gossip_1908.pdf
"Table Gossip" is a column in the Boston Daily Globe that recounts the latest news circulating in Boston, ranging from marriage announcements to social receptions to travel reports.The included file only serves as an example illustration of the…


42e474c95f75f28e93e02feb74f84dba (2) (1).pdf
Cosmopolitanis an American women's magazine launched by the Schlicht & Field Company in 1886. It focuses on issues related to fashion, household decor, cooking, and other domestic interests. Over the years, serialized fiction, book reviews,…

Brewster in Rome, Inter Ocean, Feb 13, 1879

1879. Inter Ocean. CC and Brewster as Companions.pdf
The note sketches Brewster's life in Rome and portrays her as a great hostess to many Americans and Italians living in Rome. The final passages addresses Brewster's relationship with Cushman. The article claims that Brewster thrives after Cushman's…

"Grace Greenwood," Waukesha Daily Freeman, July 13, 1882

1882. Waukesha Daily Freeman. GG Bio.pdf
Sarah K. Bolton writes a favorable biographical account of Grace Greenwood. Bolton introduces the article by characterizing her relationship to Greenwood from admiration from a distance to affection as long-term acquaintences.The author states that…

"Charlotte Cushman," Chicago Tribune, June 22, 1878

This review laments that Emma Stebbins's biography of Charlotte Cushman lacks a proper account of Cushman's dramatic career and instead focuses too much on her private life. Emma Stebbins first met Cushman in Rome and the "two ladies soon became…

"Charlotte Cushman, the Actress." Wood County Reporter, Jan 11, 1883

1883. Wood County Reporter. Cushman Tomboy Stebbins. Omeka.pdf
The article traces the "hopeful possibilities of girlhood" of Cushman "who did not allow herself to be crushed by circumstances." It criticizes old-fashioned ideas of the "women's sphere" and defends Cushman's gender-bending behavior and attitude:…

"Charlotte Cushman's Grave," Evening Bulletin, May 19, 1882

1882. Evening Bulletin. Cushman Grave - Masculine Maiden.pdf
The article claims that Cushman is the "most distinguished woman buried in Mount Auburn." It describes the gravesite, Cushman's career path, and comments on her "maiden life":"The reason of her celibacy is unknown, but it may be supposed that her…

Loving Friendship between Emma Stebbins and Charlotte Cushman, Chicago Tribune, March 3, 1878

The article seeks to depict the relationship between Stebbins and Cushman to explain Stebbins's "facilities for writing" the biography. Unlike other announcements of the biography, this one turns toward a more private background to advertise the…

"All Sorts," Indiana State Sentinel, March 6, 1878

1878. Indiana State Sentinel. Stebbins Cushman Companion.pdf
The article announces that Stebbins's biography about Charlotte Cushman will soon be published. The journalist describes Stebbins as "the intimate companion and trusted confidant of the great actress." Credit Readex: America's Historical…

"Charlotte Cushman's Will," Boston Daily Globe, May 2, 1876

1876. Boston Daily Globe. CCs will. May 2, 1876.pdf
The article gives a detailed account of people and "annuities" as mentioned in Cushman's will. It also quotes from the original document.Stebbins is named last for the first group of people which includes mostly family members and Sallie Mercer.…

Gossip Letter from Atlanta, Atlanta Constitution, June 23, 1875

The notice misrepresents the living arrangement of Cushman and Stebbins in Newport. Stebbins is called Cushman's niece. Credit

"Charlotte Cushman," San Francisco Evening Bulletin, Dec 1, 1870

1870. N. Y. World. Charlotte Cushman. Daily Evening Bulletin, 1 Dec..pdf
The article is a reprint from the New York World and informs about where Cushman used to live in Rome, where she is currently staying at, in New York with her sister Susan Cushman, who, however, had already died in 1859. Cushman is about to establish…

"Literature and Art," Chicago Press and Tribune, Feb 9, 1860

Stebbins returns with Cushman to the United States Credit ProQuest

Daniel Holmes's Journal History of a Young Lady (1848-1851)

Mss .S477 .a diary entry on CC long. Omeka.pdf
The following information is provided by the Boston Athenaeum:"Journal describing his life as a merchant in New Orleans, and his young family, particularly the development of his first daughter, Georgine, and the birth, illness, and death of his…

Stebbins as Cushman's Protege, <em>Liberator</em>, April 1, 1864

The article praises Stebbins's statue of Horace Mann for the State House in Boston. It calls Stebbins a "protege" of Cushman. Earlier, Matilda Hays was also described as such in 1848. Credit