
Charlotte Cushman
Charlotte Cushman becomes widely known on both sides of the Atlantic as the first successful US-American actress. Earlier, she was a singer under the tutelage of James G. Maeder, married to actress Clara Fisher, in Boston. Charlotte has been the sole…

Emma Stebbins
Starting in 1857, Charlotte Cushman and Emma Stebbins enter a romantic relationship that lasts until Cushman's death. After her death, Stebbins writes an often cited biography about Cushman in which she collects "letters and memories."Cushman…

Matilda Hays
Matilda Hays and Cushman meet "[s]ometime, probably after 1846" (Merrill 156). Hays plays the Juliet to Cushman’s Romeo in 1848, when Cushman's sister Susan plans to marry James Sheridan Muspratt. Hays is in a relationship with Charlotte Cushman in…


A collection of archival material (letters, diaries, articles, auto/biographical accounts) collected from different archives (cf. list) that showcase the life of Charlotte Cushman, one of the most successful US American actresses of the nineteenth century.

We invite you to either look for specific items via the tag cloud at the bottom of the page or the search function at the top, browse all items in this collection, or explore thematic compilations of selected items in our "Exhibits."

Item Locations(Palladio visualization, Dec 2021: location of items in collection, size nodes)
Item Locations(Palladio visualization, Dec 2021: letter correspondence for items
that have values defined for "location sender" AND "location recipient," size nodes)

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