Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields Family, [c. Sep 1860]
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Cushman asks James Fields to make Ned "a bookseller of '[his] school'" so that he will be better educated and make Emma Crow "a more satisfying companion."
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[page 1] Tuesday
Oh what a lovely day. & how sadly we leave you. we have been made so happy through your kindness that we hate to go. & only think now of the 15" - our hearts we have in your hands. at least I speak for two of us! Your own flirtations with Miss Stebbins must find their own response our [?] feelings have been "kind o' harrow'd Mess" [?]. Dear J.F T. Enclosed please find notes to Mr Bube & Gites [?]--if they are are [sic] not what you like. will you send them to me at Lenox. any
[page 2] time before Monday morning next when we leave for New York. (No 20. West 16" St). & tell me what I can write better & I will do it. Let me have a line from one of you. if you see anything of Mr Bube. & if you cannot do any thing with him--do you know Mr Gardner [?] Brewer [?] who would do Equally well. My great object is to get Ned at something in Boston Miss Crow much choosen [sic] Boston & so do I. Therefore if you can help me in the matter. will you. & if with them nothing +++ can be done, cant [sic] you
[page 3] make him, a bookseller of "your School". & so give me even a greater happiness Than the other would. for thus he would be being educated intellectually, & Making Emma Crow a more satisfying companion. Will you think of this & let me know your mind
God bless you from all to all
Ever your aff [affectionate]
Charlotte Cushman