Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, June 26, 1861

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, June 26, 1861


Artists--Sculptors--US American
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881
Atlantic Monthly
Gender Norms


Cushman asks of James to send her the Atlantic Monthly she is subscribed to. Emma Stebbins is currently working on a statue, for which the committee may not be able to raise enough money. Hence, Cushman wants to raise money with Fields's help. James is supposed to write Stebbins and persuade her to finish the work not for money but for "honor & glory" which would be something that Cushman can "show" to Henry, Stebbins's brother who controls Stebbins's financial matters.


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Huntington, JTFP, Box 12, FI 686





Letter Item Type Metadata


[page 1] Dear Jamie
Yours of Monday to hand many thanks! When I found by your note of Sunday that you could not get to South Boston I thought it better that I should go my self
consequently after 8 oclock [sic]. on Sunday night. I marched over & saw the D. I had read a note from him the day before in which he told me that all the money they had was $2000. that he had names good for $2000 more--But at this time it might be difficult to collect it all. & he could be only answerable for $3000 in all. trusting to time & circumstances & get the other remaining [?, inserted] 1000 for which he had only names! He also said if any responsible, conscientious, artist would undertake to furnish them a Bronze statue for this sum. They could have the order. He 

[page 2] said he found such responsible conscentious [sic] artist in Miss Stebbins & would be glad if she would entertain the thought to do it. at the same time he was ashamed (as he ought to be) to offer such remuneration!--so much for the settlement! It now becomes nescessary [sic] to leave what would be [last two words inserted] the cost of casting such a work. to that end. I have written a note to George Sumner, who has all the +++ of cost (of Munich Casting which is the cheapest) from Crawford. & who knows exactly what the Couthoone [?] cost. I saw Dr Howe. for the purpose of getting him to let Emma hold his offer in abeyance until she could get some idea of cost & &. This he has promised. but wants to know as soon as possible. on account of getting the pedastal [sic] made now while work is cheap. consequently more advantageous to them. Emma does not want a penny for her own services. but she

[page 3] does not feel that she ought to let Henry [Henry Stebbins] pay for the expenses. (mere outlay) of her studio, which will be incurred for this work. you will see the justice of this as I do. If she can get the statue cast for $2000. I think $1000 will pay expenses of studio etc. & then when it is advanced that far, if the committee cannot raise money enough for its transportation. it will be a pity. I do not think she ought to do it without a chance of being paid something beside the cost. therefore I think the committee. should pledge themselves to give her any thing they can collect. over & above this $3000. & they ought to get Charles Sumner to write & deliver a lecture in Boston Spring [?] Field [?] +++ & towards this fund. or rather than she should not be paid. if Charles Sumners [sic] love for his friend Mann [?]--& the cause of philanthropy generally - through the memory of Mann [?].

[page 4] You shall get some mighty clever fellow to write a Eulogy or lecture or address upon the Character of Mann & I will deliver it. before the different Lyceums [sic] Schools & in Massachusitts [sic]. & so raise a fund which shall pay Emma for her work. In this way. women will raise the statue. I want you. if you have five minutes to spare to write a note to Emma. telling her all the pros of her making this statue & not counting the gain [?] in any way, but honor & glory. something that I can show to Henry. Do you understand? I wish you could find spare time to call at +++ studio in Cambridge. & get a cast of the head alone of his bust of Horace Mann. I dont [sic] want the bust part. & should be glad to have the head in two parts. just the front & back. so that they could be packed more flat for transportation. If you would look about this immediately for me. Miss Foley will be packing up a box of casts next week--& it could go out in her box & thus save trouble & expense--Do you forgive my asking these things of you--for one friend. & will you forward the enclosed letter. Dear love to Annie. 
Yours very faithful

[page 1 added vertically] I want the 4 volumes of all the year round, & I want the numbers of Atlantic Monthly from June 1859 up to the time the subscription began when I ordered them sent to Tilton in Rome last October I believe. but your +++ book will showdate. these are to go in package to Rome. +++ NK. Lewis & Co +++


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


New Haven, CT, US

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, June 26, 1861,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 22, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/179.

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