Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields Family, [1860]
Dublin Core
Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and AddendaCreator
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[page 1] Tuesday night
what shall I say to you? Emma has been completely frustrated all the day with this miserable face or tooth ache. She can scarcely hold up her head so that I am afraid to promise for her to go to Albano tomorrow. Dont [sic] let our disappointment interfere longer with your plans. It seems too hard that the one thing she has cared to do this spring in the way
[page 2] of an excursion should be so cruelly & painfully interfered with. we could not have a greater disappointment. What will you do? - Will you go to Mrs Stowes tomorrow. night. if so, come on a little earlier & look upon us. The doctor has done something for Emma & it may be that she will be better tomorrow. if so we might go on Thursday - but you must do just what you can do best & not mind us
kind love from both to both
Ever your attached
Charlotte Cushman