Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, May 27, 1875

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Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, May 27, 1875


Social Events--Travels
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909


Charlotte Cushman advises Rosalie to exchange letters with her uncle Charles as she does not want to write the same things twice.
Rosalie's sister Mabel will come to see Cushman and Charlotte advises them on how to proceed with customs if officers try to frighten Mabel.
Cushman also tells Rosalie about her travel plans and the final engagements.

Transcripts by Jennie Lorenz


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, JLP 1





Letter Item Type Metadata


[page 1] Lettr [sic] for C.C. to Rosalie (Property of Miss C Roberts)

"Syracuse N.Y. May 27" 1875

"Dearest Rosalie

I am sending off a note to Uncle Charles & I never seem to think it right that a letter should go off to him without a little "make weight" to you. I always want you to exchange my letters with each other for it saves me from writing the story of my ailments & sufferings over twice. but I know the natural feeling everyone has—to [space in transcript] a little [space in transcript]—& it may be some time before I am able to write again. for I am suffering so very much that I dread taking a pen in my hand to write. I am now lying back in a tipped back rocking chair & writing this on my knee so far from my eyes that I can hardly see what whether I am writing correctly the weather has been very inclement all the spring—& I have

[page 2] (Lettr [sic] of May 27, 1875) 
suffered more than I can tell you—but I was very anxious to perform all my engagements— if possible—before winding up all my work forever—I sent you a paper last week giving you an account of my very last of acting, but I had these engagements for reading which I thought the warm weather would hold off for me to get through before the days of summer heat—after ending my work in Boston down to Newport to see after the Villa and & matters there. It was so terribly cold there that we had to have a fire all the while we were the—on our return to Boston we found a mid-summer heat—which has pursued us with fury—Ever since & my readings in Buffalo & Rochester on Monday & Tuesday were given under great oppression of heat Tonight I read here. tomorrow night in Auburn—I stop with the Sewards over until Monday when I go to Ithaca to read. on Tuesday June 1st we get of our way to Lenox where Miss Stebbins has to look after some repairs which have been going on in her little house & then on the 7" we go to New York Newport [inserted]. Emma & Ned & the children leave on that day for

[page 3] (Lettr [sic] of May 27, 1875)
Newport and will arrige about the 10" I suppose—so when you receive this you will imagine us all there. Emma tells me that she has cut off all Carlinas [added in pencil] Carlmos[?] curls & that he looks very pretty without them. I am so sorry! but I dare say it is for the childs [sic] good.—You would not believe how Wayman is grown—he is as tall as his  mother. Nino [allerton] [both words added in pencil] has not been well this spring at all. I am very fearful that that poor little fellow has more the matter with him than they think for! I have a letter from Mr. Edward Howard telling me that he is going to marry again & give another mother to Margaret Gills[?, sic] boys He is quite right & I am very glad. I do hope you will find yourself a house at Woolton [added in pencil] somewhere—It is quite the nicest country out of Liverpool & the society is nice there. You would I am sure see Mr. Jones who was such a kind & admiring friend of your dear mother. & then you would renew your old childhoods acquaintance with Chapple Gill–

[page 4] (Lettr [sic] of May 27, 1875)
world not you? And now it will soon bee getting time for you to be looking about some one coming to America into whose care you can consign Mabel. I had rather she sailed to Boston for I can have her looked after easier. If you cannot find any one at the Canard office who can introduce you to anone who would bring her—I think you might perhaps find someone over at Mr. Williams who would help you. You remember the Mr. Williams in Duke St.—if not in any other way she must come with Mr. Emmons but I want you to caution Mabel—not to allow herself to speak to anyone on ship board who is not introduced to her by the person who chaperons her—& beg her to be careful & circumspect! Anything you are sending out to us by her you must make a fire gift, out & out to Mabel before she sails so that when she is attacked by custom House officers who are more particular now than when you

[page 5] (Lettr [sic] of May 27, 1875)
came—she can say frankly that she has nothing but what is her own—& if they say they say they must try on the shirts which Charles is going to give her which she can afterward give to Sallie—let them try them all the same & show no hesitation—They wont [sic] do it only this is one of the ways they are taking now to frighten passengers. I hope I have made you understand this. Sallie hopes that Mabel wont [sic] object to bringing her old trunk of things which she left in London & which Uncle Charles will have sent down. Let me hear from you as soon as Mabel comes home what you think of her
Give my dear love to her & your better half—which I am sure you will confess him—forgive my untidy letter—written as I am lying on my back—& with dear love to you & the hope that you are getting on pretty well, through your suffering time—Believe me ever your most devoted & loving

By the bye, dear. if you have heard nothing about any of [next page is missing]


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Syracuse, NY, US

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notes and names added in penicl and in brackets by Lorenz and others (not specified in transcript)

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, May 27, 1875,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 24, 2024,

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