Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, July 15, 1868
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Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and AddendaCreator
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[page 1] care of Secry [Secretary] of State —
Dear friend
It has been my purpose ever since I landed on these burning +++ to send you. a line. to ask +++ do? but what +++ seeing any +++ of people and +++. I have not had the time & here it is so hot. That I am afraid to do any thing but live & breath [sic] & have my beans! +++ is totally out of the question & therefore I am not even writing now — only just scratching you a line, to say I sent by a private pair [?] of hands the other day. a couple of packages - are for +++ James. in London - which I suppose will explain itself & another which I must
[page 2] explain somewhat. It is a very beautifully written (I think you will say) essay on the genius of Hawthorne. which I was so exceedingly anxious That you - his most earnest love – Should have rather than anybody else. That I positively wished it out of hands to which it had been +++ for publication. because I felt that No one would do it the justice that you would & I thought that No one would give so much for it as you would. +++ for the Magazine or for separate publication--as should seem +++ & best to you. It is a curious reading of the Marble Faun. & so, ought to make the book more read. by its light! Read it like a good soul for the Sake of the dear good hard working old author--& for mine. who
[page 3] esteem the writer & the writing. & let me hear one word from you at your best leisure. I hope Annie is well & well doing Give her my kind love. & tell her that I shall be +++ my way Swampscotwards [?] about the 20' of August or perhaps the 18". & if she is there in Boston shall hope to find her during for the two days I shall stay in Boston then. Where is Mr Bealis [?]? By the way the Mercantile Library have [sic] sent to ask me to Read [?] for Them. it is such a bon [?] to have to write to these public bodies. as you gave them the +++ to write to me why cant [sic] you like angel. just tell this Mr Frothingham That I cannot in any way meet his wishes I wont [sic] read for any body. unless it be for this fund for the brackets & busts — & not then, unless I find
[page 4] I cant [sic] talk the Boston richpeople into being ashamed to let me work to carry out the project. having done so much to help them on the way I hate to read, except to 6 people & I wont [sic] read to a public. if I can possibly help it. & nothing would induce me to try to read in the Music Hall, which is not made for reading in! you can say this in so much more clever language Than I & not offend these young mercantiles that you would greatly oblige me if you would do it & I will do as much for you. if you are ever caught in such a scrape. I want to see you so much & hear your experiences & tell you mine--& see your new publishing house. Have you seen a new home or +++ by Swinburne called 'watchman what of the night?' - It is
[page 1 lines added vertically] splendid — Goodbye. I leave here — where I have been on a visit to Mr Seward for a week tomorrow night — & expect to be in New York on Monday at 218. E. 17" St. until Wednesday the 22d — when for three weeks after. I shall be found at care of John R. Sarland Esq Hyde Park - North River - New York
with love to Annie +++ +++ —
Your faithful
Charlotte Cushman