Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, Feb 26, 1868

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, Feb 26, 1868


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Fields, Annie, 1834-1915
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Artists--Sculptors--US American
Travel Reports


Cushman writes to Annie about James Fields, and the Atlantic, thinking that he might want to publish a review written by Elizabeth Peabody about Hawthorne's Marble Faun. Cushman calls Peabody one of the "best & sweetest of Americans" she has met abroad.
Fields and Cushman have interefered on behalf of a struggling old artist with Dr Upham to raise funds for a piece of work in marble.
The president has been impeached. Cushman mentions Mr Seward and Mrs Stowe.
Emma Cushman is still in Rome with them. Cushman tells Annie that Emma Stebbins's angel statue is on its way to Munich for casting, which has "caused immense sensation." Cushman calls Stebbins "our friend."


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Huntington, JTFP, Box 12, FI 692





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[page 1] Dear Annie Fields
Your welcome & long looked for letter. came at last on the 24"+++" - dated 5" Feby [February]. written by the bye, in such pale ink as to make it difficult for the eyes. Is this the best our +++ Jamie can do for you in the way of ink? just tell him I asked. That all & if you dont [sic] get a big bottle of black ink immediately. I'm mistaken. Hand writing comes by the grace of God. but ink 'far otherwise' as Carlyle would say!-- This only by parenthesis. The subject matter of your letter has delighted me--as you knew it would & you are sweet & good as usual to take the trouble to write it to me. Dr Upham like the prince of good fellows had sent me off a long letter on the opening of the cases to tell me of their safety. & & - & their beauty & their hopes

[page 2] & intentions & a promise of some photographs the third day after--came another note from Miss. [?] containing the photographs & then I went down to the old mans [sic] studio & read [?] them to him. showing him the photos --in proof & translating as well as I could all the sweet kind words Dr Upham had written. when I had finished I turned to him & asked 'avete capito?" he, with difficulty breathed his response "troppo"--& I found that he was weeping. he said I was too good to him & that my correspondent was too kind & complimentary-- but his pleasure at having the chance to hope that he shall be able to execute them in Marble is touching to see. So you see, we have done some good! & it has been a charming experience for me!--I believe the response will be quickly made to the appeal. if made rightly. I had much talk with Mrs Skinner

[page 3] about them & she went with me to see them & look down statistics prices &--& promised me to interest herself about it. on the return to Boston. I also spoke to Dale - who is one of the board if I remember rightly of the society. & he promised me all sorts of things. It now remains to see what the promises are worth. I am coming to America. This summer. Shall sail God willing in June 20". On my arrival. I must sojourn a space in New York. Then go to Philadelphia to attend to much business-- then to Washington to see my beloved friend Mr Seward & then. I shall run off to Boston as quickly as I can get away. so as to have a good time with you all--as long as I can, before coming back at the end of October! I have put off my coming to America too long already but now that my face is turned that way. I am truly impatient to get to see you all once more in your own & my own land.

[page 4] I have seen so many Americans during the last four or five years. out here. away from home that I want to see how they look at home. I always come, too. In a trying time. & surely we [?] are having one just now! The telegraph tells us. They have impeached the President! If they have--They have committed one of their last follies! But I look upon many of these things as electioneering harlequinades--& shut my eyes until the question of the next presidency is decided--we have had a very busy winter & I am almost worn out. Among the best & sweetest of Americans here--is Elizabeth Peabody. who bye the bye has sounded the depths of Hawthornes [sic] Marble Faun & got at +++ secret. She has written a splendid paper upon it. & I am going to get it into the North British Review [?] if I can. They will give 10 +++ for it. I thought that Jamie might to have it for the Atlantic. but somebody doubted whether he would give as much as that for it do you think he would?--You will never know what an escape you had in a letter 

[page 5] from me. dated Nov 21"--which I wrote just after I get back here this season--before any body had come & when we thought we were going to have a quiet season. I sent it with five others Enclosed to Annie Sever [?] who is by the bye. another of the sweetest of Annies & human beings--& it has never reached her hand. at that time there was much postal irregularity n & my letter had some political opinion contained in. which perhaps were stopped. however that may be. my five letters all went to Kingdom +++ among them was one to your sister Mrs Beats. telling her of an exceeding blunder which had been made in sending her picture by Bonifazi. without its frame. a blunder made by my not being here to expedite it myself--I told her I would send the frame to them in the first case which any body was sending from here--which I will +++ but I am fearful she may be tired of 

[page 6] waiting. will you +++ a good soul explain all this to her. Tell Mr Bial [?] that the Bacchus [?] stands waiting for him to send for it & I want him So much to have it. Will he? Emma Stebbins [sic] angel is just being packed to go to Munich for casting. It has caused an immense sensation. & when it is set up in New York. it will be without exception the most magnificent Thing in our country & you & I will then be proud of our friend. Emma Cushman is very well & very gay this winter. her children are splendid. the youngest, the Roman--is a model boy. I suppose when the President is changed He will be changed & then they will go home to live. Meanwhile I enjoy them while they are with me. Give my kindest regards to Mrs Stowe & your sister. & my love to Jamie & believe me ever affy [affectionately] yours
Charlotte C.
Matthia has only another bust & consul. of Gluck [?] but I have ordered him to make me a cast & I will send it, He shall make sketches or one of Handel & one of Hayden

[page 1 added vertically] & I will bring the Photos when I come. If they are exhibited they should have Some +++ +++ +++ around them to throw them up! -


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Fields, Annie, 1834-1915


Rome, Italy

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, Feb 26, 1868,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 22, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/148.

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