Excerpts from Fanny Seward's Diary, 1863-1864, Cushman mentions

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Excerpts from Fanny Seward's Diary, 1863-1864, Cushman mentions


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Social Events--Travels
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex
Political Affairs
Booth, Edwin, 1833-1893
Mercer, Sallie


Fanny Seward writes about meeting Charlotte Cushman and Emma Crow Cushman. Fanny is very fond of Charlotte who gives her a ring, books, and many insights into the world of the theater. Several theater managers try to convince Cushman to play for them and Fanny gives an account of their visits to the theaters. Fanny mentions Charlotte's visits to the Capitol, the talks with her father, and the relationship between Emma and Charlotte, as well as Charlotte's endeavors to make Emma Stebbins work on a statue of Mr Seward. Fanny calls Emma Stebbins Cushman's "friend in Rome."


University of Rochester, Rare Books &Special Collections


Seward, Frances "Fanny" Adeline, 1844-1866


University of Rochester, Rare Books &Special Collections, Fanny Seward Diary





Diary (Entry) Item Type Metadata


Friday, Oct 9, 1863 (page 60):
"Miss Cushman and her nephew's wife, Mrs. Emma Crow [both words inserted] Cushman arrived late Friday night Fred met them at the cars. When the front door opened Anna and I ran downstairs & met Miss Cushman on our way up — Anna first — After kissing she gave me also a warm kiss saying she was glad to see me here. They came into the parlor, & at the door Miss C. introduced me to her niece."
Friday, Oct 9, 1863 (page 61):
"She is devotedly fond of 'Emma' as she calls Mrs. C or more frequently "darling' or 'precious'"
Friday, Oct 9, 1863 (page 62):
"With him Miss Cushman talked politics with the ease and air of habit which is usually confined to men - her views comprehensive, clear, far-sighted - & not crotchetty or headstrong as most women are apt to be on such subject- She was in N.Y. at the time of the Riots. Told us an instance of one of her friends who was passing quietly along when arrested by the mob - they accusing him of having voted a Republican ticket... Miss C. has acted once in Boston & once in Phila - giving the proceeds each time to the local branch of the Sanitary commission. In one place thirteen hundred dollars- and in the other two thousand an twenty dollars [...] A long article devoted to her performance of Lady Macbeth appeared in the Times last night - signed G - supposed to be by Mr Giles - She seemed to consider it a great surprise & compliment. She told us a good deal about theaters."
Saturday Oct 10, 1863 (page  63):
"In the morning Miss Cushman was very busy writing letters. Her correspondence is really enormous, & every mail brings her from one to many letters. She showed me a curious list - a page of letter paper divided into all the days of a month - and opposite each day she sets dowsn not only the letters she receives & writes but other items connected with her correspondence, travelling, etc. The most compact diary I ever saw."
Monday Oct 12, 1863 (page 70):
"As we passed the statue Miss C. told me she was very anxious to have Miss Stebbins see my father in the way which few do see him - with his gentle ways in his family - She wished a statue made of him which should +++ [crossed out] live after him - and she thought Miss Stebbins could do it."
Monday Oct 12, 1863 (page 71):
"Miss Cushman told me all about Mrs Cushman asked if I liked her & said she, Mrs. C. was very fond of Anna. She has been sick most of the time since her marriage - four years - and once Miss C. took a cottage in England and had her come there and spend a summer with her. She is very fond of her indeed - and this summer took her under her charge, after a severe illness, and has travelled with her three months"
Tuesday Oct 13, 1863 (page 77):
"Col. Stebbins - brother of her friend Miss Stebbins at Rome"

Tuesday Oct 13, 1863 (page 78-79):
"Miss C. stopped to look at the papers in the library. She asked me for them and as I found the Republican first I gave her that, telling her it was the sensation paper. Presently the Star turned up, & she wished to know if the Republican was the Sensation what was the Star. I have forgotten what I answered - but something that gave an impression which I had myself, that it was reliable.- Afterwards she mentioned the matter at the table, asking about the city papers. Fred explained that the Star never failed to see things in the most favorable light, to make every battle a victory etc. and that the Intelligencer was sure to have the exact truth of everything but at least a day later than the others. So I believe the latter paper carried the name of the "Reliable". Miss C. wished it sometimes sent to her on her return to Europe."

Tuesday Oct 13, 1863 (page 81):
"Still for many years she labored intensely, and having earned her competency, which she mentioned very modestly, she had left the stage and retired to private life"
1864 (page 148), Fanny writes about a conversation with Mr Curtis:
"His speaking of Mrs Kemble caused me to ask if he knew Miss Cushman - no - scarcely at all - not as well as he would like to. His wife knew her better - had met her in Rome. [sentence crossed out] He spoke of her as being "bold-" and added immdeiately "not bold in a bad sense of the word-" but she had so many resources within herself she talks - & sings - etc. He spoke as if he admired and appreciated her. I said I had not known her well until this fall when she spent a week with us  ... I had not seen her since I was a little child - and was almost afraid to meet her lest I should be disappointed, but was instead delighted. He spoke of the danger of having idols. Said we ought never to have them among the living - the dead could not contradict our impressions - but the living would always disappoint us"
1864 (page 154):
"Winthrop, Curtis & Charlotte Cushman ... the third - oh my beautiful, my strong woman - if I can resemble you in any of those characteristics & respect of all who know you - I shall not live in vain."
1864 (page 166), talking about Mr Booth:
When he talked with Anna he told her that Mrs Cushman did not like St Louis - & said that when she was first married she had a nice little home in Boston

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Seward, Frances "Fanny" Adeline, 1844-1866, “Excerpts from Fanny Seward's Diary, 1863-1864, Cushman mentions,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/488.

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