Letter from Kate Field to Emma Crow, July 10, 1860

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Letter from Kate Field to Emma Crow, July 10, 1860


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue, 1830-1908
Political Affairs
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex
Gender Norms
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909


Field admits her disappointment in not being able to see Romeo (referring to Charlotte Cushman) and her Juliet, Emma Stebbins. She addresses Cushman with the pronoun 'he.' In a witty account, Field teases Crow about her age, heritage, and appearance. Field describes Ned Cushman as a "monster of iniquity." She also addresses the feeling of always being a stranger in Italy.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Field, Kate, 1838-1896


LoC, CCP 11: 3300-3301





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[3300] Dear Emma;
I didn't believe that you had commenced your journey to that +++ from whence no traveller returns,  not that you had entirely forgotten  the existence of a small worm[?] called Kate Field grubbing in Florence and vicinity, but I did believe "and I say it boldly",  that you had written to me long since  and furthermore that the letter had  miscarried. I knew you personally were  not to blame and my belief you have  verified in your epistle received  within a week and which I now reply to, that you may have my answer before you sail for America. After that fearfuly event, I shall trust to Providence for news from the white Crows. I am fully convinced that Ned Cushman is the wretch who purloined my letters to you, is he not? I always  considered him a monster of iniquity. as you suppose, we were very much disappointed at not seeing Romeo  and her Juliet, Miss Stebbins but have now recovered from our disappointment. Romeo never answered my last billet doux, just like these men. He at least might have sent a carte de visite, likewise Miss Stebbins. Have you any to spare?  +++ I am very grateful for but it makes  you look as old as thirty and when  I saw you last, your age was slightly less! You look decidedly tragic also.  How the comic muse suits you better I am sitting in [oils] no longer. My  picture is finished and to please  me, Florence has been sketched in  the background with its Campanile[?] 

[3300 reverse] Duomo and Palazzo vecchio. From  the latter is seen floating the  tricolor of state. Is this not an inspired thought? I am sorry to say I care. send you no photograph of it as none will be taken but  as I am to be painted again in  the fall, (D. +++.) perhaps then you may honor me in accepting my +++ You see by the topping of this letter  that we have deserted Florence. My  M.D. said, must haves sea baths,  so we have enshrined ourselves at the Casino, a fashionable resort three  miles distant from Leghorn where the air is excellent, bathing fine and victuals devilish poor . I call the place "fashionable" because it enjoys  that reputation I believe, but as people  wear ten cent +++ +++ +++ to  +++ eve I should say that in America we would consider fashion below [par.[?]  all the visitors are Italians and l should think not of the best class  for they certainly have not the manner  of no. 1 ladies and gentlemen. I know  none of them as they are all antipatica, with the exception of Krans[?]  the pianist. Every Sunday there is a  soirée musicale. We remain probably until September but my direction  is ever to Florence. The Brownings  Storys and Miss Blagden have gone  to Sienna for three months and if  it had not been for this denced sea  which is expected to do me so much  good, we should have gone to  Siena[sic] likewise. Perhaps we may pass September there. Mrs. Browning  brought me a beautiful pair of  studs sleeve buttons +++ +++ with "Roma" upon them. I read

[3301] it backwards. amor. She is looking  much better than she did a year ago  There had been no "Peace of billafranca."  to unnerve her. Oh Emma! have you  been able to ward off the Garibaldi fever?  Do say that you are slightly interested  in him and Sicily. If I were perfectly well and rich, I should have been in Sicily long +++ this. Think how glorious to be in the midst of revolution,  dispensing rifles to the right and  left and writing as "Eye Witness"  Can you conceive of greater happiness? Surely not. And you are going  to America. Well, I envy in many  ways. I am a real American at heart  and long to see many dear friends at home. We have not the remotest idea of when we shall return but (entre nous) I don't think it well for any American to expatriate himself  if he has the health and power to play his part however small in  the drama of his country. Away from home one is a foreigner, always a foreigner and leads an isolated  life in every public event. For the present I am a rabid American  Give this best loves to the Cutters, Mr. Eliot, the [Rauletts,] Jennie Glover (how I wish she were in Italy where she would paint herself away) and every one who cared for such a valueless  comodity. Do you think you will go  to Boston? I should like you to  know my aunt Mrs. Sanford. She  is always to be heard of at the  Tremont House. Do tell me of 

[3301 reverse] Hattie Hosmer. How is her father and  does she intend to remain in America  I see Mr. Albinoa's name among the  Italian committee in New York for  Garibaldi funds.  — Have you read  "Mill on the Floss?" It is great in my  estimation, vastly better than Adam  Bede. I wish I could like  +++mation" but I cannot. Hawthorne  is not at home in foreign lands it  seems to me. He has written an  +++dered Guide Book and this is unworthy of the author of the Scarlet Letter. What adventures you do have Emma and what fun to narrate them all upon Your return to America. I shall have  no such budget. – You write that you sail in the +++. She is the vessel  that brought us over. Give my love  to Mr. Cope[?], the first mate, who ought to remember me although a year ago last January since he has seen me. He is a jolly man and will leave you "the ropes" unless you already know them. Don't allow the doctor to fall in love with you. It is his peculiarity to fall in love with a lady passenger every voyage. Imagine the Don  Giovanni list that he must have made by this time and how interesting if any Leporello would disclose  Mother joins me in love to Miss  +++ Mary and yourself.  Say your prayers and in them remember me. You will write before sailing will you not?  Ever yours affectionate  
Kate Field 


Field, Kate, 1838-1896


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Ardenza, Italy

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Field, Kate, 1838-1896, “Letter from Kate Field to Emma Crow, July 10, 1860,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/377.

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