Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 17, 1865

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 17, 1865


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Charlotte Cushman discusses health issues, UK accommodation costs, how important it is to know French for one's reputation in Rome, and hints at a potential future pregnancy of Emma Crow referring to her son's "little sister who means to come some time or other when you are strong enough."


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 3:841-843





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[841] Dearest daughter of my heart. Your sweet & welcome letter of the 13" was waiting for me here on my arrival on Tuesday afternoon I was induced to stay over at Miss Howards [sic] that I might afford aunt Em. The opportunity of seing [?, sic] Alton Towers. which she had never[?] seen a very beautiful day we had & engaged it very much. Tuesday morning it poured in torrents & I thought we should not be able to get off but towards 12. it cleared & we arrived here to find it showery — but +++ are delicious as usual. I drove directly here from the station & found a couple of bedrooms only unoccu pied. but to day they have found us a sitting room. exactly under the one — old Ms +++ had if you remember. & we are fairly installed. I tried to get some lodgings the next day — but you never heard of the prices they are asking for the only ones left

[841 reverse] only two sets +++ +++. one 3 1/2 +++ for sitting room one large & 3 small bedrooms & +++ 3 1/2 +++ one sitting room & one large & one small bedroom! I found it cheaper to +++ the hotel & it saves me endless bother[?] in all ways I never have think what is for dinner & as Sallie is far from well & wont [sic] be sure to wish to try to do somtehing. It is infinitely better that she should have no inducement or opportunity of doing anything. she came down by the 12  London train on Tuesday I met her. Mother wd not come. naughty soul. Sallie says she has been so angry with me — but after sending me back the money — took[?] it from Charles to be charged to me she will come on Saturday. I have written her a letter which will bring her I think we shall remain here — until the 13" of Sept when (DV[?]) we shall get to pay a visit of a five days to Miss Rodick & then to London for a few days. & then on to you so that if you are in Versailles we shall come there. I am so glad you are so pleasantly situated & thankful for dear Baby that he has the opportunity of being in such +++ fresh air I am also so glad that Ned is taking lessons in French & going about with Frenchman. it is

[842] the best way of learning. & in Rome. he would be nowhere unless he could speak French. I am gad you have impressed him with the consequence of that. — my poor darling. your occupation was really too much on that dreadful day when you wanted to write to me & so many +++ came to prevent you. Do you know. dear. you are very wrong to take such liberties with yourself when you ought to be on your back. you will have to pay for it at some time or other. & when people are so inconsiderate in their demands upon yo you ought to resist it. I say you ought. because you have the power & the strength to resist it. Though I am a miserable person to argue then[?]. but then I have neither the power or the strength to say No. my darling has! – Be careful of yourself darling for the Take of precious babys [sic] little sister who means to come some time or other when you are strong enough. eh? I am so glad you have found a little carriage for him. he ought to have had one the 3 weeks he was at his grandmothers [sic]. I can see & hear the darlings +++ of delight over it. & how happy he must be in it. It is so good for him to to sleep out in the open air. I am thankful you will see Dr. Franco. about him. He is an especial pet of mine. a green fellow but very good indeed

[842 reverse] was it not +++ luck meeting Mr Gibson on the steamer — when she had not the grace to go to +++ +++ specially. I declare I believe the devil helped that young woman. She has not written as she promised! — Yes darling I can quite trust your taste in the matter of the clima[?]. but I +++ it — just the size of sit I told you. & as like you as possible. unless you see something at the factory which she likes better. She may like to go with you. have her Initials put on it. when she likes. I dont [sic] want it packed & sent until I go to Paris — for I want to get some thing to hold flowers (you know we have such profusion[?] of bouquets in Rome.) to send with them. If you see[?] any very large coloured vase. in the shape of a cham -pagne long glass. I should like it very much. but perhaps you will find out where to get them & when[?] I come we will look at them together. — Darling[?] do you know that Grandmother was not invited to dine at +++ St. & uncle Charles' wife was It was a dreadful part to her. as I learn from +++ not that she wanted to come — but the slight hurt +++ very much. poor soul! — Oh how it has rained here since we came. However I got my walk & water yesterday morning & my bath at 3 oclock [sic]. & my wal+++ this morning. The air[?] will be good for me. for it is

[841 vertical] better here than at Low Harrogate. +++ +++ (Mrs Loright[?]) has lost her baby. she came down here with her husband when it was four months old & it was taken in convulsions with its first tooth. & died in +++. after 3 day [sic], she had left it in London. to come with her husband — He is very ill. & +++ rheumatism has +++ to his eyes! I do hope Ned will see the Dr which Mr Suis[?] recommended. Dont [sic] forget to make him do it. Kiss my darling baby for me & believe in my undying

[841 reverse vertical] love & devotion to him & to you. you dearest & best of darlings a mother ever had. What shall I say or do to Mr Hitchcock when he comes to Rome. you & I will find something together. which you will know would suit her. I cannot rest under such an obligation — will you tell your father that he will see by The Times of last Thursday or Friday a fine +++ on the character of Mr Joseph Parker. his death accounts for my having no reply to my letter, asking his interest & attention to Col Hitchcock Ever very best love to Hattie — tell her I wish she was here to see some first class hunters down on the farm of Mr Gaunt — Mrs Gaunt called to see her yesterday & was very nice indeed — she [rest of the sentence missing]

[843] perhaps he may take a second class run down here & see Jessie for himself. I dont [sic] think of leaving here until the 18". so he will be in plenty of time. & still get back to you in good time. I should like to see him. & as he will not stay with Cap Lewis more than these days I imagine. he will be able to come without serious outlay. He must go & stay at his uncle Charles'. I think it would be best he wont [sic] be long in London. & it would perhaps please his uncle Charles. but of course as he likes. Bailey will take care of him — if he gives her warning through his uncle Charles that he is coming. and now my darling I must have you Good by [sic] & God bless you. Dear love to Ned & a 1000 kisses for sweet baby. Love to all your party Grandma. & aunt Em. send best love — as does Sallie. who is marvellously better. & your grandmother is very much improved. I am the only one who dont [sic] seem to get on very well — but I hope to be better soon. God bless you — your devoted

auntie Ladie

Ned will bring in the photos if he comes. or send by parcels.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


The Grandby, High Harrogate Yorkshire, UK

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 17, 1865,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/949.

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