Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, July 25, 1869

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, July 25, 1869


Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Mercer, Sallie
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Cushman thanks Emma for the photographs she sent, especially the one of Carlino, which she put in a locket. She jokingly states that Carlino might rival Wayman as the most handsome of the family one day. She asks when Emma and her children will visit since she "dreadfully" wants to see them. However, she doubts whether the expensive rent will be worthwhile the short stay in England. 
Cushman has received a letter from Rosalie, whose father implores her to let Mabel stay with her until August.
Cushman also asks Emma whether Cushman's landlord has given Ned the right amount of money and assures her that she will settle the sum when she sees him.
Cushman waits for Ned to come to Malvern and collect her Scottish deerhound. She suspects that the dog will have to stay in the stable as he is too big to be allowed in the house.
Cushman feels better but is in pain due to her lump and fears that it might grow in size.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 4: 1153-1156





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[1153] My darlingest darling. Your very welcome letter of Tuesday. reached me on Wednesday Evening. I thank you so much for the photographs
the one of dear Carlino is sweet
such a baby. baby he is. such little eyes. he looks to have. but he looks so sweetly [?] good. I want to take him in my arms & +++ him. until he cries out. I am afraid Balea [?] wont [sic] be very delighted with herself in the picture. she is so dark. but she looks very nicely. and dear. dear +++. what was being done with his hair. That it all looks blowing about. The picture is lovely though & I have put it into my locket. do send me others. & send one. one of dear 'Wayman'. What a nice idea that was of Neds [sic] about the

[1153 reverse] locket. I shall be so pleased to see it. ah darling when are you coming. I want to see the children dreadfully & I want to see you. more than I can tell you. when are you coming. for I have a fear that you wont [sic] get [?] any good of England at all. & that [?] it will hardly be worth while for you to take the expense of coming here for so short a time. for if I have to go to +++ 1st of August. I shant [sic] want to have you in England & I +++. There is this to be said that where you are now you must be at a rent of 24 to 25 francs a day. with attendance & that is at the sale [?] of 7 pounds a +++. while here you will have a rent of only 4 +++ the week & & getting good +++ +++ food & great +++. But as you will! I only want to see you & the children more than I can tell you

[1154] I have a letter from Rose this morning with a message from her father. to ask if I would mind having Mabel with me here for a little. He is very anxious that she should have some more water treatment before going to school the 1st of August. so I shall let her come. It will be my only chance of seeing her this summer
I have written to your father to day though I have had nothing from him since I was in Paris. except the Message at the +++ of you. last letter. but I thought it was right to send him a line of condolence. How +++ about the future letters. I wish you had seen +++. perhaps you will, as you go back to Rome. The cards I spoke of have a little book of explanation as to what the cards mean & the each made card is numbered & has a design

[1154 reverse] prettily [?] executed of the naming of the card itself. or the designation of the card is only about an inch long like this. & the coloured design is on the lower part +++ have marked A. [design incorporated on the left]
I am so distressed to hear what you have gone through with your +++ & fear you have not done with +++ yet! but pray be as careful of your +++ as you can. dont [sic] over do yourself for you have no +++ strength. I am so sorry I asked you to do any thing for me while you were so suffering. at the same. time I am very much obliged to you for the +++. I can get this like my patterns at King & Sheaths for 17 francs a yard [?] so I think it is cheaper than what you sent me. do you think it is +++ than the piece I brought you from +++ last autumn?– Darling I dont [sic]

[1155] know whether +++ prices are right. I only did exactly what you told me. she had none. & I ordered them made but she did not tell me the price. I dont [sic] think these are dear for linen chemise. do you? +++ dear I will drop a line to Mrs Richmond. will you let me know whether the landlord of me, little old hotel at [?] London [?]. brought Ned some money the morning I left Paris & how much. I looked at the bill on your setting room table to see the amount. & sent back all I had- if it was not right I can pay it to Ned when I see him. your letter of Wednesday with the patterns of silk received. many many thanks. what a shame of Vanderbilt [?] to send

[1155 reverse] such a package except to Uncle Charles but I will pay Ned when I see him
he must keep an account. I am so thankful Carlino is better of his +++. bless his dear little heart
Charles was greatly amused at Sallies [sic] letting him [know?] that Carlino was like him & then afterwards I told him it was not at all a pretty baby. But I do think he is a pretty baby. because he is a real baby in his expression & features. I should not be at all surprised if he would be the handsomest of your children after all. though I think it will be a hard matter to be prettier than Wayman.- I am afraid +++ wont [sic] be able to get the Dog [?] before you come for Wayman. There is none to be had. but I am writing about one to day to Scotland. I dare not have my scotch [?] deer hound [?] until Ned comes to subdue him for me. or

[1156] get him so I can lead him as the +++ of +++ does hers. Mr Doble wants me to have him & when Ned comes he & I will run down to Eloncester [?] & bring him over. though he is so big I am afraid he will have to be put in a stable some where. for he is too big to be allowed to sleep in the house. besides it would not be good for him to do so. If you see any thing of Mrs Bridge ask her why she did not let me have The dog after all. No. I will write her a note & ask her & you put a stamp on it & post it. Oh I have such a lot of letters to answer it drives me wild. but I get off three or four a day. I am better dear. for this treatment & my exercise. my lump pains me now & then. but I hope it will not increase in size. Sully did not feel so careless about it as Sims did. but then Sully is not a

[1156 reverse] surgeon. But if it is not better +++ it gets larger or more important by the 1st of August. I will go to +++. If you see Franco again. ask him the name of the place he said he might send me to near +++. if he did not send me to +++. Now God bless you my darling. send you 500000 kisses for my precious babies. I wish they were here. It is +++. but soft. & the +++ +++ soothing after the continental glare [?]. I walk two miles before breakfast [?]. have 3 +++ baths at work [?] at midday [?]. +++ every morning. & +++ at noon [?] every other day. just at this moment [?] +++ House almost opposite to me has lodgings vacant. but let me know when you are coming & I will have something for you to see. God bless you all prays your devoted Auntie Ladie [?]


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Malvern, Worcestershire, UK

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, July 25, 1869,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/889.

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