Letter from Emma Stebbins to Emma Crow Cushman, [Oct] 26, [1869]

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Letter from Emma Stebbins to Emma Crow Cushman, [Oct] 26, [1869]


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Travel Reports
Mercer, Sallie
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Stebbins writes about their strenuous journey to Malvern and the mishaps along the way. They had to stop over in Carlisle but have arrived safely in Stockport.
She asks Emma Cushman to arrange for lodging in Malvern, preferably at Knotsford Lodge.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 

Please note:
Archivists have noted 'Aug 26' as the date but that is the date Cushman has her surgery (#432) in Edinburgh. Furthermore, Aug 26, 1869, was not a Tuesday but Oct 26 was, which would make sense since #433 originates in the same location and writes about the same events.


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


LoC, CCP 13: 3767-3768





Letter Item Type Metadata


[3767] Tuesday [?]
My Dear Emma.
you will I am sure be as glad to [?] see that new address, as I am to write it!- and to know that we have achieved it with wonderful comfort & success. especially when I tell you. that we began with a disgrazia! everything was prepared yesterday morning to a hair so carefully were we guarded against my apparent possibility of a contretems [sic]. yet lo! just at this seemingly perfect climax [?]. invidious fall[?]. in the shape of stupid Mr Mc +++ (probably tight. though early) stepped in. I sent Sallie off with luggage pll pillows. luncheon. Hats. nursery, every thing. to the wrong station. while we following after in another cab. with Mr Corlidge in attendance go to the right one. find the gallant Codman chaping at the +++ appearance of the luggage—Fisk [?] the little consul—a new adherant [sic]— but equally devoted

[3767 reverse] ready "to pledge his life his future & his sacred honour". in our cause! presently drives up Sir James. Three minutes to decide what to do! momentary [sic] thought that we might go on. rather than go back. which was hateful to think of. no money for the tickets. not +++ us [?] all. Codman rushes madly away to deposit [?] his watch +++ +++ +++ & +++ his consulary [last three words inserted] card  [inserted] second thoughts that we had better not go on without Sallie. Codman recalled council of war!- verdict. go +++ back to the Hotel. & wait for the 2.5 train!—This we did. then followed much discussion & deliberation. Mr Corlidge urging stoppage for the night at Carlisle. but our dear patient on this occasion. added the prefix of -im [?] to that title so long and barely +++. & could not be prevailed upon to give up her plans (but very guilty) [bracket inserted]! so a Telegram was fast to Mrs Howard. notifying her thus we should arrive at. 20.15. instead of the earlier hour. Then we had our luncheon of raw oysters and all and started again at the

[3768] appointed time.- This time all went well, Sallie who was more awfully crushed than I have ever known her to be before. for she has a superstition about having to turn back. would not be repeated this time. we find ourselves at last off! a joyful moment I assure. you. after that we got in perfectly. at Carlisle she was able to get out & go to the waiting room for a cup of tea. which helped us all amazingly. indeed she seemed to rise to the occasion. & there was no need for me to be nervous for her. though I was abundantly so for myself. The worst part of the journey was the long drive from Manchester to Stockport but she slept well. and is now just getting up as I write. half past twelve. She bids me tell you that she cannot get from here before Saturday. so you must not fix any lodging for her before that. I feel better today. & hope the change of air may benefit me. I shall be truly thankful to find myself and my charge[?] fixed & quiet at Malvern at least for a time
we have no letter from you this morning. I hope all is well

[3768 reverse] with you. our best remembrance to Dr Sully. to whom we dispatched [?] a hamper with pheasants. from Manchester last night. I have bought him a warm carriage wrap Edinbh [Edinburgh].- Auntie says you are to present the bird[?] with her best love & wishes for a "bon appetite"
about apartments dear. you know we prefer Knotsford Lodge to anything else if we can get in there but shall be quite content with whatever you do. we have bright sun here. but it is cold with a high wind. with best love from both & kisses [?] for the little ones.
always affectly [affectionately] yours
3 oclock
The week from my own hand my darling to say how thankful I am to be so far on my way towards you. but I am very tired. I kept myself up by sheer force of will for today. but by Saty [Saturday] I will be rested sufficiently to come to you. ah I so long to see you & the darlings. God ever bless them all—prays your own Ladie


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Brinorington Hall, Stockport, UK

Geocode (Latitude)


Geocode (Longitude)



The month added in pencil by the archivists is incorrect. The correct month is presumably October.

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Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882, “Letter from Emma Stebbins to Emma Crow Cushman, [Oct] 26, [1869],” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/881.

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