Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, June 10, 1860

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, June 10, 1860


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex
Social Events--Travels


Cushman thanks Emma for taking care of her nephew and appreciates the letter he sent Cushman as she feels that her consideration for him went unappreciated. Cushman also asks Emma to send a list of the places she will visit and talks about future plans for her estates in London, Bolton Row, and Rome. Cushman mentions "aunt Emma [who] is as melancholy as a newly caged Robin."


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 1: 155-156





Letter Item Type Metadata


[155] Sunday
My sweet darling wants a line from me to comfort her on her way tomorrow. I must not fail to send one. ever though it be unworthy - to thank me for her thoughtful love in sending me not only a dear loving kind & tender epistle from her own dear hands. but one from my boy. as well. He is not over thoughtful of his aunty. when he is away from me. & gives her many a heart ache as she reflects how much she has done for him all his life. how little she has considered herself when his pleasure or interest has been at stake & how little show of consideration +++ she receives from him when he is from under your influence

[155 reverse] when seeing how much you love me. dear. & how much you consider me. thereby proving your love for me. he seems to fall into the way of care for me. through your care! - Bless you for all things my darling – I am so glad you had a nice day at Greenwich. I fully intended whitebait when I mentioned Greenwich. they are synonymous [?] & if I said not "whitebait" it was that you might have a charming surprise. The first taste of whitebait. is one of the things to be envied [?]! I am only sorry you adhered to my plan so closely as to go by the boat. your own judgment would have stood you in good stead there. for going to Greenwich in the cabin of a river Steamer. is like being sent through a tube [?] by atmospheric pressure. poor darling. to think of you under such circumstances! never mind. it is one of the experiences! sweet. will you send me a copy of your list of places. I almost forget it. but tell Ned. what day you are to be at 

[156] Chatsworth. & I will send you a note to the Hotel +++ [last four words inserted] then! I am making out your little +++ in Wales [?]. & if you get here on Saturday & stay until Monday morning. I will +++ +++ Ned go into Wales [?] with you. if you wish it. Dont [sic] forget to write to me tomorrow night at Stratford. & give me the list of your places which I marked out for you. send it to Knotty Cross Gatacre near Liverpool & I shall get it on Tuesday afternoon. I am glad that Ned is so good. darling. I want him to be good & careful & true & manly [?]. He writes me word that you are so good & sweet to him. all that he wishes or desires. He says he has "mollified" many. I am quite sick of the nonsense [?] of those two stupids [?] & Miss Whitwell is a +++! But she is so dreadfully afraid of committing herself with anybody. that she will be safe [?]! I am so glad you saw Bolton Row & liked it. It is not prettier than your Roman home is it. my darling. every body says. I have prettier homes than people +++ & when I have made

[156 reverse] some more money so that my income shall be increased. I shall hope to live in Bolton Row again. & you shall be the mistress there & have your own servant & I will take control of the Roman home. & you of the London one. but we must have more money first. I thank you for liking much Charles. he is plain. honest. True & good. not much polish but a +++ heart. he took a great fancy to you. & I am very pleased thereat. I forgot to tell Ned to take his friend +++ to the tailors in London. I hope his clothes will be nice. Ever my dear love to him & tell him to go & see Mrs Buston [?] after you are gone. & to travel about in omnibusses [sic] & not in cabs. he is very much disposed to the grand +++ ways. but he must begin to be careful now. little Mat [?] sends you a kiss! and one for "bubba [?] Ned". God bless you my sweet. tomorrow I go to Knotty Cross where aunt Emma is as melancholy as a newly caged Robin. Dear love to Ned. I cannot write today. Ever & ever. my sweet one.
your devoted & loving Ladie


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, June 10, 1860,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/573.

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