Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Anderton [?], June 15, [no year]

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Anderton [?], June 15, [no year]


Actors and Actresses
Cook, Eliza, 1818-1889
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman exchanges poems with Anderton and praises her writing. She has reunited with Eliza Cook, who is disappointed that Cushman is so preoccupied with her engagements. 
Cushman comments on the poor behavior of Mr. S. [Stamnes?] and states that she will speak out against him should he tell any "untruths."


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 7: 2245-2246





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[2245] I purposed writing to you immediatly [sic] on my return to town. My dear little pet. but I found so many engagements pressing upon me. That it became an impossibility & even now. I have but a moment before going to rehearsal to tell you how much I thank you for your dear notes. & the poetry & copy of Miss Cooks poem. I have not even time to tell you what I think of your nice lines. but I will in a few days. Meantime. let me +++ you to condense your thought to bring all your poetry into the fewest member of words. concentration. is the grand merit of all writing. as well as acting you have the +++ in you. & you will

[2245 reverse] do it. I shall be able to tell you more plainly what I mean. at more leisure. I enclose you the poem I was speaking to you of. & you shall return it to me as soon as you have done with it. In this last weeks [sic] dispatch. you will find the poem to me. I found Miss C very well. and as you supposed glad to get me back. only annoyed that She cannot have more of me. But I belong to the world. for some time to come. & must wait. until that is satisfied before. I can even. belong to myself. I begin my hard work to morrow. night. & the heat is so frightful. That I am in a plight fear [inserted]

[2246] at the thought. what I am to do & know not. & [illegible, crossed out] if you hear of my melting away. dont [sic] be at all surprised. I was not at all astonished at the turn [?] Mr J. had given to his own sad [?] temper. to Mr Bridgeford. only when you have an opportunity say to Mr S. We had better keep quiet upon a matter in which he acted so very wrong. or I may make it disagreeable for him. it would be very awkward for him [last two words inserted] if I should ever be obliged to say & show. all I can say & show with regard to him. & if he tells untruths. I shall be obliged to do it in self defence [sic]. Write to me. whenever you can

[2246 revervse] & tell me all & every thing you will. I love your thoughts. & the expression of them. let me have them as they come in dewdrops. dont [sic] stop. to correct them. but give them to me as they occur to you. I will write to you whenever I can. but dont [sic] be annoyed if you dont [sic] hear as of her as you could wish. remember the many calls upon my time & patience & believe that I love you as dearly as you would have me. So will you pardon me. & trust that I am faithfully & truly
Your attached
17. Radnor Place
Hyde Park
Monday. 15" June.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


17 Radnor Place, Hyde Park, Westminster, London, UK

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Anderton [?], June 15, [no year],” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/525.

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