Transcript of Letter from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, June 22, [1875]

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Transcript of Letter from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, June 22, [1875]


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881
Social Events--Travels


Emma Stebbins, Charlotte Cushman, and Lanier suffer from health issues. Cushman's health has deteriotated during her "Western tour." Emma suggests and supports a meeting between her brother and Lanier. She presumably talks about the college music project which she mentioned earlier in her letters to Lanier.

Transcripts by Jennie Lorenz



Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


LoC, JLP 2





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[page 1] My dear Mr. Lanier

Your lettr [sic] to Miss Cushman just received, fills me with concern and regret–that you should be looking for a letter fo me, which you will not find.—I am not good at excuses or apologies, and in epistolary matters I have had to make so many, that I have come now to be asolutely weak in the subject, and shrink from a too long unanswered letter, as from a physical pain.–You will pardon me I know, for you have the +++ gift of insight, and sympathy, and you will feel, without my telling you all the reasons which make writing at times too painful a subject task–I intended all along to write you, my intensions are the best part of me, as of most of us–but dear Miss Cushman, came back from hr [sic] Western tour, so much more ill than ever [inserted] she evr has been, that my anxiety for hr [sic] completely absorbed me from everything else, and you were with many others were neglected– We heard with deep regret from Mrs. Peacock that you had been so ill, and with satisfaction that your wife had gone to you Now we are very glad to know that you have completed you work and are coming North again–for the climate of Florida—can hardly be good for you at this season of the year.— Before I go further let me relieve your anxiety about Miss C–by telling you that we think she is now gaining ground again–undr [sic] the pleasant influences of hr [sic] home & rest in this delicious air visits from her Boston physician—and good Dr. Lippi have reassured us, and we are able to take a little heart and hope again. Now for that mattr [sic] of which I wrote you–after the reception of your letter I wrote to my Brother–for it is my Brother. +++. Henry S. Stebbins of New York who is the party interested in this matter, and received fom him an answer, that he was very pleased with my suggestion, and that he would be glad of your interest in this scheme whenever any positive move should be made, that as yet nothing decided had been done–as yet the Trustees hardly see clearly, what sort of a thing they have to administer upon–but he thinks it will be all right in time. the disposition is there–the determination is there and the money is there, and the thing will begin to move 'ere long—'as soon',


[page 2] he says, as it does–as soon as I can be satisfied that the first move is made–which I should think now a few days now will determine—I will be glad to make Mr. Laniers [sic] acquaintance Upon this, as I see by your lettr [sic], you expect soon to be in Phila New York, I propose to enclose you a note, of introduction to my Brothr [sic]– He is one of the 'City Fathers' and obliged to be in town a good part of the time attending to public affairs— while his family +++ themselves in the country—he is a kind warmhearted genial fellow—and has always been a good deal identified with musical affairs in N.Y., at the same time he is it profound nor esthetical, his life has been too practical for that—but he may be of service to you— and so I commend you to him, and hope you may like him— Miss Cushman spoke of enclosing a word for you in this but she may not be able to do so–and I had better answer your questions about her. she is fixed here, for the present. whether she goes to Lenox or not depends an ver condition/ I am going there early next week–to look into my affairs and get the place in readiness for hr. I hope she may be able to leave here in Augt. for this place does not agree with hr [sic] then – & Lenox does–but all things seem very uncertain to me now–and I have not much courage to look forward or wish for the future–However you may be sure of a welcome at Lenox—if my house is open—with or without a dress coat—in fact my establishment is rathr [sic] founded (& I hope to keep it so) upon the possibility of doing without dress coats altogether–'+++ their silks– & +++ their wine– the man's the +++ for a' that.' The moment our movements are finally decided, You shall hear. Meantime keep us posted as to your whereabouts. We here had great pleasure +++ of the +++', which delights all who are copable of appreciating it – You are have [inserted] a real friend here  Mrs. Calvert—who is enthusiastic about you–& heartily desires to see you–did you see a very appreciative notice he wrote for 'the golden Age'?—I am anxious to get this lettr [sic] to you without delay–so I have written in haste–all send kindest greetings to you & hopes that your return to the Noth may benefit your health—

Believe me always faithfully yours.

Emma Stebbins


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881


Villa Cushman, Newport, RI, US

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1875 [added by archivist]

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Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882, “Transcript of Letter from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, June 22, [1875],” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 24, 2024,

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