Transcript of Letter from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, May 2, 1875

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Transcript of Letter from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, May 2, 1875


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881
Actors and Actresses
United States--New York City


Both Charlotte Cushman and Emma Stebbins are friends with Lanier. A college of music is about to be established in NYC. Stebbins offers Lanier to introduce him to a relative who is involved in the college project. Stebbins mentions a farewell engagement of Cushman.

Transcripts by Jennie Lorenz


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


LoC, JLP 2





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[page 1] Dear Mr Lanier–

I wrote a short time since to Mrs Peacock to ask for your address, and she has just sent me your charming letter of Apl 18—by way or answer—She says 'I have a most lovely letter (Icall it a poem) from Mr. Lanier. —I feel sure it will delight you & enclose it for your perusal—please return it the first time you or C. write to us! You know so well the true interest Miss Cuss Cushman & myself take in you—you will not mind our being sharers in the sweet & pleasant Idyll you describe so poetically–I only regret to find by it, that you still refer to 'lonely journies'—& that you do not seem to have carried out your hopes of having a portion of your family with you at Jacksonville—My object is[?] writing for your address ...... You may prhaps [sic] have seen by the papers, that there is a project under weigh in New Y for the establishment of an American College of Music—on a grand scale—undr [sic] the patronage & through the liberality of a very rich man–who purposes to endow it liberally–his name has not yet been given to the public. I enlose you a slip which will tell you how for the matter has as yet gone—when I was in N.Y. just now–the gentleman where name is in question for the presidency of the board–and who is a near relative of mine–asked me if, I could furnish him any information regarding the Conservatoire of Paris or of any other institution of the like kind in Europe—I was obliged to confess that my musical education/ had been very much neglected. . . . it occurred to me/ that you with your professed love for it–& knowledge of it–might prhaps [sic] have stored up any amount of practical information on the subject–. . . . If it would be agreeable to you—I can place you in communication with the gentm to whom I refer, and


[page 2] I think through him you might be able to establish such relations with the projected college–as would enable you to carry out some of those ideas & plans which you partly suggested to us when we first met you.— My own wish in the matter is simply to give these concerned the benefit your knowledge and experience. & to give the opportunity of associating yourself with a project which it rightly carried out, will be one in which you could not fail to take the deepest interest. Let me know how you feel about it, whethr [sic] you would prefer to communicate through me–or if I shall send you a line of introduction to my relative–who I have no doubt will be very glad of the opportunity of making your acquaintance. We are here for two weeks—Miss C. is acting hr [sic] farewell engagement after two weeks–an[?] address will be care of J. & J. Stuart Bankers. 32 Nassau St. N.Y.

Miss C. joins me in kindest greetings & I am always

Very sincerely yours.

Emma Stebbins


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881


The Evans House, Boston, MA, US

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Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882, “Transcript of Letter from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, May 2, 1875,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 24, 2024,

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