Transcripts of Letters from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, Sept 23 + Feb 14, [1876]

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Transcripts of Letters from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, Sept 23 + Feb 14, [1876]


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Gender Norms
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Emma Stebbins reimburses Lanier for his investements relating to the biography of Charlotte Cushman and attempts to get the money for the payment of Osgood (publisher of memoir) from the trusties of Cushman's estate. Ned and the Cushman family miss the "strong & steadfast arm" of Charlotte.

Transcripts by Jennie Lorenz


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


LoC, JLP 2





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[page 1] ["1876" added] (Johns Hopkins Univ)
New York, 37. West 37th St. Sept 23d
My Dear Lanier Yours of the 21st met me in my return to the City—and I am glad there has been so little delay in its reception as until now I have been wandering.—I am sorry I cannot send you the whole sum you ask for at once—but just now I am in rathr [sic] a/tight place myself, having just returned fom placing my nephews at Cornell, where I had to meet expenses which have taken for the moment all my available funds.—I said you herewith enclosed— $100—and will let you have the rest before long.— You misunderstand me in supposing from what I said in my letter, that I meant to meet the payment to Osgood & co myself, I should not be able to do that, but what I proposed was to endeavour to get that amount from the trusties of the Estate– on the ground that it would be a disposition of Miss Cushman's means which would meet hr [sic] wishes. I shall still make this effort—and meantime beg you to believe in the sincere sympathy I feel in your distress–and the hope that as for as I can I may be able to alleviate it–I write in haste—and am yours ever faithfully—

I hope I am somewhat bettr [sic], but I have a settled malady–which does not seem to yield to time or treatment indeed I have no confidence in the lattr [sic]—unless I am much bettr [sic] I cannot look forward at all [address: Westchestr, Penn. Phil'—written onn also.] New York,

[page 1] Feb. 14/76
My Dear Lanier
Your lettr [sic] has been longer unacknowledged than usual, but I have been less well than usual–We were of course inconvenienced— and subject to exposure in our double moving, and an Influenza— peculiar to NY which always lies in wait for me on my return to it. seized me, and has held me bound until within a few days. Fortunately I have got though with it before the cold weather sets in, and am now better—with some little hope of keeping so.—We are very comfortably settled now—our new address is No. 16. East 43d. St.—On Monday I go to Newport—for the first time since one great loss.—A pilgrimage in every sense of the term—full of pain and harrassing associations— for there is not a stick about the place, which does not belong to our mutual lives.!— But the ice had to be broken sooner/ or latr [sic]—and I must not let the whole winter pass without reuniting

[page 2] myself with those she loved and cherished so tenderly.—Mr. Cushman is now in town and I return with him—I shall be gone two or three weeks—at most. You must not fear that I would do anything in the mattr [sic] of Osgood compromising to your dignity, which I should hold us tenderly as I would my own.—If I could have accomplished what I had in view—you would have known nothing of it further than the relief.—But I cannot accomplish it—for the reason that the deterioration in every kind of property—has seriously touched the trust Estate and they may not be able to meet/ the large demands upon it—this year. Mr. Cushman feels anxious and troubled and I cannot wonder—missin for the first time in his like the strong & steadfast arm which so lovingly sustained him, and all of us.— I trust this will find you improving in health—How will you feel about going South at this unhealtly time?— Yours ever faithfully,
[Addressed to Westchestr, Penn.]


37 West 27th Street, NYC, NY, US

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Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882, “Transcripts of Letters from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, Sept 23 + Feb 14, [1876],” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 24, 2024,

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