Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Oct 11, 1874

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Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Oct 11, 1874


Mercer, Sallie
Social Events--Travels
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909


Charlotte Cushman mentions past quarrels between Rosalie/her husband and the Muspratts. Ned Cushman is conducting business in Charlotte's name.
Cushman mentions her reading tour, which exhausts her. She is too ill to cross the ocean and visit Rosalie.

Transcripts by Jennie Lorenz


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, JLP 1





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[page 1] Lettr [sic] from C.C. Rosalie (Property of Mrs. C. Roberts)
"Boston, Mass. Oct 11" 1874
"Dearest Rosalie—Your welcome letter of the 23d September was sent to Newport & forwarded to me here. I was delighted to receive it. & to have an account of your new home & life & your enjoyment in it I cannot tell you how comforted I am in the thought of your happiness–nor how thankful I am that I sent Ned over with instructions how to act in the matter. If he had not gone, things would have been so differently settled. now I feel as though I had done what your dear mother & grandmamma would have wished me to do Ned has such a way with him & is so kindly & goodnatured that he generally persuades people to do what he wants. He was very anxious himself to have you happily settled in life & he feels that he has shown his love for you in the best way be could. He would not have felt that he could have afforded to take such a step by himself – but when I told

[page 2] (Lettr of Oct 11, 1874)
him what I wanted him to do—he was only too delighted to carry out my wishes and instructions—I am so glad to find that you & Mr. Roberts are being so wise as to shut the door upon all the bad behavior or the Muspratts—& meet them half way. I can thoroughly understand all Mr. Roberts[sic] feeling—but when they gave in—& Mr. Roberts carried his point—he could well afford to be magnanimous & accept what they offered—so I am glad the Muspratts have invited & you have accepted their invitation—life is so short that one has not time to keep op resentments. & it is much more well bred & Christian to try to forgive injuries & injustice Besides the M's are well [?] ever [added in pencil] worth minding![?] Ned did not describe your house to me—I have not been with him enough since his return for him to do so— he has told me of your presents, & how handsome you looked, & how happy you seemed. & told me of old M. Roberts & your brother in law. whom he likes so very much. He told me of the breakfast, & how very well they all received him—as the 'American Cousin'— in fact all that he could remember. I am so happy dear, that you wore some of the lace which was your

[page 3] (Lettr [sic] of Oct. 11, 1874)
dear mammas [sic] on your wedding dress. It was very sweet of you to think to do so. How fortunate you have been in getting a house all comfortably furnished— belonging to someone you know. & with servants already in it. I wish I could see you use it. & see your housekeeping—you must be so happy & I hope Mr. Roberts is as happy as you are. You must always give my kind love to him for although I have not seen him, I love him because you do. & because he loves you. You cannot know all the love & the anxiety I have felt in [?] & for you—for you have been trained to think anything of me but what I am—still I think that your last summer with me opened your eyes a little to the real state of my feeling for you—which is—as though you were my own child!—when your dear Mamma died—I felt as though she had left you to my love & care—& I have ever sought I wished to do my duty by her children—apart from the love which they indiv[id]dually excited in me.—Oh, if I could only be permitted to be

[page 4] (Lettr [sic] of Oct. 11, 1874)
well enough to cross the ocean & see you settled in your home—but this may not be. & if you ever want to see me again—you will have to make Mr. Roberts bring you over here. You will have received my lettr [sic] of the 20" September long ere this. & will know something of my movements. On the 1st of Oct. I went to Newport & remained there until the 5", settling up certain matters & arranging for the winter./ Mrs. Gibson is to go. & when the next season arrives—I shall have to get you to send me out a batch of servants together [?] Moireson[?] Morrison [inserted] will take care of the house this winter—which is to be all painted new. On the 5" I began my reading, —which have been very successful this last week. I have given 5. Next week I read here on Monday—in East Boston, where you first arrived Tuesday— & in Providence in Wednesday—Thursday I go to New York—& read in Phila on Friday, returning to N York in the 17th—and on the 19"

[page 5] (Lettr [sic] of Oct. 11, 1874) commence my engag[men]t there. I am pretty well up to my work so for—but I never know when I may be stopped. I saw Mrs. Cochran Friday night—& she was so sorry you had not sent her word that you were going to be married—she would have been pleased with the attention & sent you a handsome present—she told me to give you her kindest love & best wishes. The Misses Vokes [?] professional people—said on Wednesday & Sallie got them to take her wedding present to you—which is a work basket made by the Shakers– she hopes you will like it. She sends it with her best love & hopes you will use it//Did you wear your diamond earrings when you were married?// You know they were one of my wedding presents to you! Did you get some drops for them?—I send you poor Mrs. Childs [sic] letter. How strange it seems the death of those two, so sudden & so near together. I was to have gone to Swampscott to have passed the day, but I was too exhausted last night to hurry to go down there [inserted] after my reading—

[page 6] it would be so sad there without her. He is going abroad I hear. if he goes to Liverpool you must ask him to stay a bit with you—if you have room. Now Goodbye & God bless you, with love to "Ben"—believe we your ever loving auntie.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Boston, MA, US

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notes added by Lorenz[?] in brackets

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Oct 11, 1874,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024,

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