Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow, Sept 12, 1860

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow, Sept 12, 1860


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex
Gender Norms
Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885
Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue, 1830-1908


Cushman is anxious that Emma Crow may lose letters that Charlotte sent: "I don't like such dear letters addressed to me to be lost. or be sent to the Dead letter office. If any 'unscrupulous person or persons' should find it. my reputation might be lost forever." Charlotte would like to make arrangements for Emma and her to meet but Harriet Hosmer and Wayman Crow, Emma's father, may get in the way. Cushman suggests that "Ned must be learning some business" before Emma and he can be seriously engaged. Charlotte also mentions the affectionate relationship between Mary Crow and Harriet Hosmer.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 1:188-189





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[188] at last. at last I have a word from you. My precious little love. Arriving here last night at 7 1/2. I found yours of the 8" - the first I have recd [received]- & soon after. your dear little note of yesterday morning came in.- No darling mine I did not get yours at Franconia. although I asked repeatedly on Monday. the only day I was there. will you not write to the post master & ask for it (I dont [sic] know how you directed your letter or I would not ask this of you). I dont [sic] like such dear letters addressed to me to be lost. or be sent to the Dead [?] letter office. If any "unscrupulous person or persons" should find it. my reputation might be lost forever. and only think how fearful that would be. So send for it. There's a darling! I was so glad to see your dear hand writing again but why why is every thing arranged in so tantalizing a way. why must you go west with Hattie why not Mary — whom Hattie much more affects. Why must Hattie's dominant movements interfere with my happiness & comfort. by taking you away from Lenox - before I can possibly

[188 reverse] arrange to get there. When I left Newport your father & mother. told me they could not get to Lenox until the 17" or 18"— If I had dreamed you would be there so soon. I would have gone directly from the White Mountains there. & come to Boston after but everything seems solid +++ & now I am very much hurried in Boston - so as to get through to you on Tuesday next.18"+++ – Hattie writes me "I am going to Lenox Wednesday 19" — I hope. barely possible on the 20". but shall try for Wednesday 19 on the Saturday following 22d. I go to St Louis make my visit to Conny & be ready for a week with Mr Crow when he goes out. get back to Boston 12" or 13" or so & sail as soon afterwards as I can find anything floating to take me." I think it very stupid that you should be sent away. before your father & if you exert your will I dont [sic] see any nescessity [sic] for it if your father has got to attend to business in New York. why can you not stay & go out with him. I dont [sic] learn whether all your party are to go out when Hattie goes - if so. Cant [sic] you persuade your father to let you come on to New York & wait for him, with Wayman. Then you could see me there also but if not able to arrange this. you must arrange not to leave with Hattie on the 22d - why it would be a miserable aggravation to see you first on the evening of the 18" & know

[188 revers] you had to leave on the 22d — only three days. Your father says in a letter to me of the 6" that he does not know what Hatties [sic] plans are - but I know he will move heaven & earth to accomplish her wishes at the care of his own. So most likely you wont [sic] be able to controul [sic] the movements of any of them or your own. However sweet one. I can not get to you now until the Tuesday. — I am a little in anxiety about Ned. I dont [sic] want your father to think you have engaged yourself to anybody without consulting him. He told Hattie. on speaking to her about it that you had promised him you would come home untrammelled or something of the sort. how for the world I would not have him think you had not kept your word with him. he must not think you engaged by any promise. Engaged in your affections yes. he may know that. but nothing more. for I have never felt that you were could be engaged without your fathers [sic] permission. So darling — understanding now what I mean by. not [inserted] being rash. you must take what steps you please. Your father wants you home with him at all Events for a time. & it is a right he ought to have during this time. Even though he should fix your probation at 2 years – Ned must be learning some business. circumstances may occur meanwhile to bring it +++. but it is better that Ned should think he has got something to work for.

[189 reverse] this uncertainty. makes him nervous & restless so it would be better perhaps for him to get some sort of conditional promise from your father than to have the matter left in uncertainty. I will send Ned up to prepare one way. to see for rooms & know exactly what rooms Mr. +++ has. for you must know. that Mrs +++ at the Walker house. is the friend of Aunt Emma & they she [inserted] & her mother & sister expect to take me there. I am very hopeful that she wont [sic] be able to have us all. but I think it will be an excuse for Ned to come up. & without one. I dont [sic] see how we could come. So I will send him probably tomorrow (Thursday) as he is in such a fever to get off & he must make his own excuses for coming. Darling. I am very poorly, hardly able to set up. with pain. Yesterday morning it commenced & the ride from Franconia to [last two words inserted] Plymouth to then the rail from Plymouth to Boston. from 8 AM. to 7. PM. going constantly have [sic] done me up. I had taken cold previously. & something I had eaten must have disagreed with me so that I have an attack of bilious colic. but am keeping up. so that +++ for an occasional twist of my +++ & +++. No one suspect [sic] me - but I feel very very poorly. God love you my precious one - kiss me & love me dearly as your own fondly devoted passionately loving


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Tremont House
Boston, Massachusetts

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow, Sept 12, 1860,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/215.

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