Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, June 29, 1873

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, June 29, 1873


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Fields, Annie, 1834-1915
Artists--Sculptors--US American
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex


The commissioned sculpture of an angel in Central Park, created by Emma Stebbins, was met with ridicule by several papers. Cushman urges Annie to help her act against this slander. Fields could help to "destroy the effect of this dirty article" in the Boston Daily Evening Transcript (attached to letter: article reprint also from the Boston Daily Evening Transcript, June 26, 1873, p. 8). Charlotte again calls Emma Stebbins her "better half."


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Huntington, JTFP, Box 12, FI 706





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[page 1] Dear friend
Is this the way you suffer the paper in which you JTF [inserted] holds influence to deal with Emma? I think not — & after all that has been said in the NY Herald Evening Post. World. Mail & & on the first view of the fountain if any miserable jealous artist finds an opportunity to have a fling at it in the New York

[page 2] papers. it ill [?, sic] becomes a Boston paper which once had a reputation for decency & honesty to print such a libellous thing as this which I enclose. I wish you would have some thing said in The Transcript which shall stultify the effect of the enclosed vileness — which evidently[?] has a personal sting. I have all the notices which have appeared in New York & if nothing else. You can perhaps have these copied, one by one, in the Transcript. & so destroy the effect of this dirty article. What statue that Em has made cannot be turned into

[page 2 added vertically] ridicule by a dirty mind. I would not have Emma see this for the world. Let me know where to send these New York articles & I will forward them to you — for I am sure you will be as anxious as I. to do away with the impression this is likely to produce — When are you going to be able to come down to me for a few days. After the 14" June & before Aug 1st [last four words inserted], I shall have a room & dressing room to offer you. I have my brother & niece from England with me. where are you? How are you & what

[page 3] are you just now. Here we have had not a drop of rain for 22 days until yesterday afternoon it rained an hour. The wind [?] is something tremendous in sleep under 2 Blankets most nights. one always. & all the windows closed! Dear Emma is up at Hyde Park missing her mother & sister – So I am without my "better half by half." Love to TT. & believe me
Ever dearest Annie
Affy [affectionately] Yours
Charlotte Cushman
My house is done!!!!!!!!

[part of newspaper article enclosed] — New York is poking fun at Miss Stebbins's fountain in Central Park. The belief is continually growing, says one paper, that the angel who sat for the model of the buxom deity on the top of concern must have been brought up on pork and hominy.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Fields, Annie, 1834-1915


Villa Cushman, Newport, RI, US

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, June 29, 1873,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/171.

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