Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mary Devlin Booth, Nov. 1, 1860

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mary Devlin Booth, Nov. 1, 1860


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Booth, Mary Devlin, 1840-1863
Booth, Edwin, 1833-1893
Actors and Actresses--US American
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
United States--Philadelphia
United States--New York City
Social Events--Travels


Mary Booth has left New York for Philadelphia with her "boy" Edwin without saying goodbye to Cushman. Mary proposed the idea of acting with Edwin to Cushman who considers the benefits of the arrangement. She suggests that her fame in New York could be of some benefit to Booth if he were to act with her there. She asks Mary to think it over - without mentioning it even to the "aim".
Cushman states that she was "never acting so well as [she is] now".


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Hampden Booth Theatre Library





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[page 1, right]
New York. Nov 1 1860
Dear little woman. I thought you were going
to remain in New York this whole
week. Imagine then my conster-
nation. when Fredericks told me
yesterday — on my saying I was
going to call on you going up from
rehearsal. That you & your "boy"
had gone to Philadilphia &
that he was commencing his
engagement last night. This
note is just to call on you. & say
how sorry I was so find you
gone - when I intended to look
in upon you & have a chat

[page 2]
How came "Edwin" (you see I call
him as you do.) to commence
in the middle of the week?
not that it matters so much
for the [...] where the having
stars at all is a [...]. There for
the day of the week they commence
matters little! How long do [...]
act in Phil. I have been think-
ing considerably of what you
suggested about acting in con-
junction with your beloved
I wish it could be carried
out- in Boston or even here.
or any where — where it would

[page 2, right]
be advantagious. I have the vanity
to believe that I was never acting
so well as I am now. Never with
so much to audience or brother
workers as I am now. & I fancy
I could be of some slight good
to your boy. What does he say
to the idea of acting with me.
I dont know why not. if he
[...] it should
work even here where it might
be more value to him to get at
once in among, an audience
that I have been working
twenty years to collect— what
does he say. Is he so anxious
money wards. that this could

[page 1, left]
work. I would even [...]
[...] Phila & Boston people to wait
over Edwin. New York time for me
if this could be accomplished
desirably to both. Let me hear
what you think about it.
accept this as my call to
you. Dont speak about my
suggestion even to the aim but
think it over in your own mind
& let me have the benefit of
your thinkings. & what it amounts
to. Mrs & Miss Stebbins send
in kindest regard to you
Ever lovingly Yours
Charlotte Cushman


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


New York

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mary Devlin Booth, Nov. 1, 1860,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/1029.

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