Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Madame Vraidot, June 10, no year

Dublin Core


Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Madame Vraidot, June 10, no year


Actors and Actresses--US American
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Social Events--Salons and Receptions
Relationships--Patrons and Protégés


A letter of introduction written by Charlotte Cushman on account of an acquaintance who wants to enter the Convervatoire of Paris. Cushman complained about the volume of such requests, especially as she began to suffer from ill health (e. g. "For everybody sends me their friends with letters of introduction. This year I have had twenty
with trying to do honour to the letters. I am near driven to death" in a letter from 1864). Judging by how the press wrote about her unrelenting support for young and struggling US American artists, the work load, however, seems not to have deterred her.
While Cushman and others often reference such letters of introduction, this is the only one of two such letters in our collection (the other is for Helen Hunt). Cushman's own reliance on such letters early in her career is mentioned in this 1844-letter to her mother.

The letter also includes a reference to Italian actress Adelaide Ristori (1822-1906), whom Cushman has invited for dinner.

(Cushman references the Convervatoire of Paris also in this letter to Sidney Lanier from May 2, 1875)


Boston Public Library

Note: The item is listed as a letter from Cushman to Madame Kasdov but the name is probably "Vraidot" (Frick Collection, Snac)


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


BPL, Ms. 3542





Letter Item Type Metadata


[page 1] Dear Madame Vraidot
I called this afternoon. upon an Errand in [inserted] which I knew I could ask your aid. if you could possibly help me. Do you know, at all, indirectly or directly Madame Pluyell[?] — if you do will you read the Enclosed letter which will explain itself at once to your great intelligence & kind heart & will you write one line to her, asking her to speak a kind word to this lady who is about to pass into her class at the Conservatoire. & to whom a known word of praise

[page 2] from Mme Pluyell[?] — will perhaps help her up from comparative starvation. If you do not know Mme Pluyell[?] or would object to write to her. do not give yourself the trouble to read this long letter from my friend. but enclose it so me at your earliest convenience! Madame Ristori & her husband dine with me on Sunday the 22d inst will you & Mour Vraidot give me the pleasure of your company on the same day at 7 oclock [sic]. I know how many engagements you have, therefore ask thus far in advance.

[page 3] How charmed I was yesterday with the Sonambula +++. at Hanover Square Rooms. I wanted to thank you — but did not like to intrude. Hoping this note may find you better than when I called this afternoon believe me. Dear Mme Vraidot

Ever admiringly Yours

Charlotte Cushman [typewritten abstract about Cushman's career added, for contextualization of letter]


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


1 Bolton Street Mayfair London

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Madame Vraidot, June 10, no year,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/966.

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