Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 10, 1847

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Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 10, 1847


Intimacy--With Readers/Addressees
Intimacy--With Subjects
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Chorley is placing an affair into Cushman's hands because he finds that it is best if he remains the "man behind the clouds" in this matter. He does not explain this further in the letter.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 


Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872


LoC, CCP, Box 10:2943-2959





Letter Item Type Metadata


[2958] Dear friend. — Though you have already my note — appointing +++ next for our rating upon the play, I must still answer yrs of the +++ just to thank you for your tidings. & to beg you to watch the nervous headaches, duly & diligently. — As to seeing Mrs. M: — do you know. I think it would be for every one's best that I should be the man behind the clouds. +++ you & I understand each other so completely that I have no earthly fear [illegible crossed out] of the affair not being safe in your hands. than mine: & I will work: morning: noon: night: & midnight (there are not five times in the day!!) Tell you are contented. My disinclination, observe, means [inserted] no avoidance of labour or responsibility.  — but a conviction that my being known is more likely to harm than to help the success of what is to be a success: or the wisest of Kings & the most sumptuous of Queens[?] are for once; no better +++ & +++! I don't think much of the work myself. +++ in seeing the confidence with which it has inspired you: — & from believing the time is come when the public would like to have a say for a great Woman. – Therefore just turn this in yr mind: whether it  would not be best to say. That you will see the Royal +++ on Sunday — Who is ready to make such changes as Queens: & +++ M (must he be called Hiram King of Tyre) shall +++ +++ 

[2958 reverse] but for many reasons is anxious "to blush +++" until his fate is ascertained. But I +++ this matter. like every other connected with the affair, at yr[?] disposal or discretion: _ & hoping to find a note to say that you are coming to eat at Heaven knows what. — This day week, at my +++ table at 5 o'clock [last three words inserted] — with best regard to Mrs M:_ I am most sincerely yrs
Henry F. Chorley.


Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Hotel Canterbury, 24. Rue de la Paix, 10e Arrondissement, Paris, Ile-de-France, France

Geocode (Latitude)


Geocode (Longitude)


Location (Recipient)

1 Baker Street, Portman Square, Westminster, London, England

Geocode Recipient (Latitude)


Geocode Recipient (Longitude)


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Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872, “Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 10, 1847,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/521.

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