Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 28, 1847

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Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 28, 1847


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Actors and Actresses--US American


Chorley praises Cushman's performance of Queen Katherine and advises her not to be disappointed about less favorable critiques as critics tend to be harsh with new actresses.

postmark: Oc 28, 1847; on the first page, it says "Wednesday midnight" which suggests that Chorley must have written it on the night from October 27-28


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 


Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872


LoC, CCP, Box 10:2951-2952





Letter Item Type Metadata


[2951] Dear friend. I will try to call to day morrow [inserted] about 4— that is Thursday — with the M.S. & still a change or two to talk to you about — [last five words inserted] a +++ of Arnould's man — +++ it is too late to fish for this evening. Meanwhile, had I not found your note on coming home from the theatre, I must have written to you after the Queen Katherine. which I went to see quietly. You are wholly wrong about it! to fancy that the part does not do you good — & you good to the part! What will you say when I tell you that it has given me a higher idea of your powers[?] than any I have yet seen you +++ – I like it all. conception & execution

[2951 reverse] save one very tiny matter I must reckon with you about – I like the plainness. the simplicity, the queenliness of the playing — & the utter absence of all strain[?] or solemnity. You know I am difficult — & little given to praising any one. Most of all. was I delighted to hear how your level voice when not forced, tells — &  tells thoroughly. +++ believe, I don't say this to put you in good humour, or for any other reasons than because it is honest — & must come! As for the citics — Remember that from time immemorial, they have been always at first [last two words inserted] injust to new & natural readings. The house shows how little +++ good

[2952] they do — & of its humour. there was no doubt — though people who have been wiping their eyes on apricot-coloured +++ stings. As I saw one young Lady of nature long, can't find time or coolness to applaud as they ought. —In short, I was much – very much – pleased: & shall tell you yet +++ about the same When I see you: – and I am truly glad for your own sake you have played the part— In all earnest regards Yrs

Henry F. Chorley

Arnould & I were two sitting notes of ad miration! He is going to write one as well as this [last four words inserted]!— believe I saw the Angelic manager on

[2951 vertical] the stairs — but I don't think he knows me if he sees me — or I would let my beard grow as far as possible and dye it black by way of mystification
Wednesday midnight


Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876

Location (Recipient)

1 Baker Street, Portman Square, Westminster, London, England

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Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872, “Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 28, 1847,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/518.

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