Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Feb 13, 1874

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Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Feb 13, 1874


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909


Charlotte Cushman writes to her niece about being ill and an abscess under her arm. Cushman discusses work and family issues.

Transcripts by Jennie Lorenz


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876





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[page 1] Letter from C.C. to Rosalie (Property of Miss C. Roberts)
"Baltimore, Md. Feby. 13" 1874
Dearest Rosalie. I am sending a note to Mr. Howard(?) today & I am able to enclose a 'make weight'—which will go to you. & you will forward it to dear Uncle Charles. It comes, dear, bearing the unhappy intelligence that I have been very ill with an abscess under my arm which has caused me exceeding suffering but it also brings the unhappy intelligence that I am at last relieved by the opening of the mountain—& now I am in comparative comfort. The great anxiety I have now, is the fear that there is not strength[?] enough in [inserted] my flesh—in that quarter. once open—to close again—& then that [inserted] I am to have two troubles to attend to morning and night instead of one- & this would be almost more than I could bear. However. God Eva[?] has been so infinitely merciful to me in all ways that I must not doubt him now—but trust all will be well. I have had to give up my engagements here and in Richmond for the present, but the people hold on to me and make me promise to give them time later—we shall see what we can see—I take no liberties with myself that I know. The hour of trouble comes to all invited or not. I cannot blame myself in this. I work

[page 2] (Lettr [sic] Feb. 13, 1874)
because it is a real pleasure to me to work not to accumulate money, but for the pleasure and privilege of labour—rest is rust [rust?] rust [inserted] to me & so God made me & I thank him for his beautiful bestowal of ability to work! This answers all questions—of curiosity or vulgarity—'why does she work'—'Because, & please.' I am here in bed but convalescing—My doctor Lippe[i] [?] came from Phila to see me. all goes as well with me as it can I shall go to Phila very soon [son?]—where I shall be for nearly a month to the 15" March—after that, my movements[?] are doubtful. I have capital accounts from Emma and the dear children They are getting so hungry for the summer at Newport. Ned is well. he is now founder[?] so he is at the Furnace all the time & is able to be home midday dinner. Miss Wilkinson is the delight of Emma's heart. She says she does not know how she existed before/" The children adore her and improve in every way. Victor has become a changed child & the sunshine & delight of the house.// I had a [?] [inserted] nice visit to the childs in Boston. Mrs. Childs is very fond of you. & talks very sweetly about you—as do Jom [?] Sam [inserted in pencil] & Sara Cochram [?] & they want you to come again

[page 3] (Lettr. [sic] Febr. 13, 1874)
'ever so much'. I don't suppose they will ever let Mabel
comes to me until she is of age & able to do as she pleases I did not sufficiently overcome[?] you[?] but until you alsolutely belong to somebody else & the responsibility & cares of family, tie the you down you can always run over [?] & pass a summer with me—whenever, you choose. & bring your 'Benjamin' your 'bestbeloved' +++ [crossed out] along [inserted] Tell dear uncle Charles that I think of him & all[?] of his with great affection, he is to give my dear love to the little sisters I do not lose them from my thoughts though I do not write. I have a bundle of magnificent criticisms or notices of my successful readings in New York—waiting to send to him & you. I had a tremendous success. I did splendid work and now I am paying for it splendidly! Amen! I want uncle Charles to get me some envelopes like this one & if Parkins & Eveto[?] Gotto [inserted in pencil] have the stamp, let them stamp them—or they may make one—I want a couple of hundrea of these envelopes. & Charles & you must always 'make weight' in your letters with sending me as many as you can. God bless you. Love to Mabel.
Ever your aff[ectionate?]
auntie C—.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Baltimore, MD, US

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added by JL: "Property of Miss C. Roberts"

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Feb 13, 1874,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed October 24, 2024,

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