Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Oct 2, 1868

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Oct 2, 1868


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881
United States--Boston


Cushman regrets not having visited the Fields in Boston. She describes their house in Charles St as her "nest." She is grateful for James's parcel he sent her and gives him further instructions in terms of business matters with different people.


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Huntington, JTFP, Box 12, FI 695





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[page 1] Dear friend.
Your beautiful parcel of "gems" came to me. safely. The night before I left Boston (with the catalogue of music) you are good & kind & beautiful +++ & I thank you. I thank you very much. you shall see these--anow. in a beautiful Roman binding. any more contributions that you may be able to make. I shall be thankful for--you see there is no satisfying some people. I was very sorry to have to leave Boston without visiting the "nest" in Charles St [Fields house] but I was just +++ to death. You see if it had been any other season of the year that I was in the neighbourhood of Boston I should have seen more of my friends who were at this time--out in the country.

[page 2] so I enjoyed my "dolce far [?]" letters. not "niente". for I was hard worked all the time about the case for the books. I imagine I have got all together. now. That can be got together. except the number of [word crossed out] "Every Saturday" since the last +++ was bored. I wish I had some of the other volumes. & wish you could "scour [?] them up" for me somewhere. for this chance of sending out my books must be embraced. or wait a year of Sundays about +++. I have written a too talky letter. which I enclose to you. I dont [sic] think it nescessary [sic] to use it. the Doctor is the right man to do it. for it was to him. I sent my donation for the Hall & if he uses my name to these people I have indicated--he need not show the letter. to Gardner Brown. perhaps he had better show [sic] it. but not to the other Let him make +++ Dale-- who gave

[page 3] me [word crossed out] promise he would give somethin [sic] to it. Let his paper be prepared & headed with their own subscription & then Mrs Skinners. which is a good thing [?] I have kept Mrs Skinners [?] check. for I will continue to get the +++ for that - and tell the D not to hunt the sum he wants. If they ask him how much he wants let him answer "as much as we can get. more money. more brackets - and "we have Miss Cushman there to overlook the work. & see that it is well done". He is to go to Frank Skinner notwithstanding I have his mothers [sic] subscription. I arranged all that. but Frank himself was away when I was there! will you tell me. what I ought to pay for a copy of Darlings [?] engravings of Margaret. I have found the book itself. & should like the Engravings. Dutton [publisher of the Boston Daily Evening Transcript] has one. which he says I shall have for 20" - but that seems to me high. for

[page 4] a second hand book. Does it not? can I get it any cheaper. will you print this poem [?] of "Iza Blagdino [?]". I have just jot it & she wants to dispose of it. I must say "Good bye". my cold continues bad & I decend [sic] my journey to St Louis. for which I start on Monday at 2. oclock [sic]. to +++ address me after to care of Crow M Coury [?] & Co. St Louis +++ +++. Give my best love to Annie. my regrets to Mr & Mrs +++ that I did not see them. for I wanted to do so. & I wanted to ask him if he did not want that "+++ Oberland [?]" of Tiltons [sic]. which he can have at Tiltons [sic] old prices for he is getting double now for the same sized [inserted] picture. & not so well painted
Believe me. Yours aff [affectionately]

[page 1 added vertically] The portraits which Brown is going to +++ +++ should look well +++ the front [?] or the first Gallery [?]


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


Lenox, MA, US

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Oct 2, 1868,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/154.

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