Anonymous Fan Letter

Dublin Core


Anonymous Fan Letter


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


In this anonymous, undated letter, signed "a friend," a fan of Cushman professes her (?) admiration for the actress and then explains how she found solace in her faith. She recommends Cushman does the same.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


LoC, CCP 14:3954-55



Letter Item Type Metadata


[3954] Dear Miss Cushman,
I have not the pleasure of a personal
acquaintance with you,
but I love you, & I feel
that you will pardon me for writing you anonymous-
ly. Dear Miss Cushman
I want you to know my
Savior, and Your Saviour
– It is only within a few
years that I have known
the fullness the pleasure

[3954 reverse] of this love. Now no words
can express my sense
of his love. It seems
to me is as free the air we breathe, &
that we have only to take it to +++ +++ It is like the atmosphere around us
we have only to imagine [?]
it. And affliction was
the teacher from whose
painful lessons I have acquired this knowledge
I long dear Miss C.
that you should know the love of Christ to you

[3955] that you should feel
his presence near you
as a friend & +++ friend
Our Savior +++
+++ to +++ into our
hearts & abide them,
if we will only +++ Him. If any man loves
me, my Father will
love him & we will come & make our
abode with him. John 14th c.
Read this [14th chapter of John; inserted] beautiful
chapter, dear Miss C.
this legacy of love -
I am praying for you I beg our Father to grant

[3955 reverse] alleviation to your suffer-
ings & to to give you the
“Peace” which only He alone
can give.

Think dear Miss C. of
his precious words
“Let not your heart be
troubled, neither let it
be afraid” “I go prepare
a place for you.
Yours truly & affectionately
A friend


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876

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“Anonymous Fan Letter,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed September 14, 2024,

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