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  • Tags: gossip--published

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Park Benjamin, October 13

Harvard MS Thr 130_Benjamin.pdf
The letter is addressed to Park Benjamin at The New World Office in NYC. No year is given but it must have been written between 1840 (when The New World entered the newspaper market) and March 1844 (when Park Benjamin stepped down as…

Gossip (Washington, DC, 1891)

Gossip 1891 Vol 1.1.pdf
This is the first issue of Gossip, published in Washington, DC, in 1891 (a periodical of the same name appeared in New York in 1900). Numbers 1 to 11 are available on microfilm in the Library of Congress. No other copy seems to have survived – nor…

Letter from E. B. Fisher to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 7, 1836

CCP 11, 3310, CC to Fisher, Oct 7, 1836.pdf
Fisher asks Charlotte Cushman to refrain from contacting him again. He expresses a firmly rooted disappointment in and aversion to society ("a scandal loving world"). Fisher touches upon an issue of Cushman being involved ("intimacy") with the…

"Pistols for Two", Freeman's Journal, Dec 22, 1842

1842. Freemans Journal. Duel anticipated.pdf
This article describes an antagonistic relationship between Charlotte Cushman and Madame Celeste. It indicates that an intellectual duel between the two could be anticipated. Credit The British Library Newspapers, Gale Digital Collections

"Cushmania," 1844[?]

Cushmania - CCP 19 - press coverage - newspaper clippings.JPG
Cartoon about Charlotte Cushman's rise to financial success Credit Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mary Cushman, Apr 17, 1845

CCP 1, 26-27, CC to mother 1845, April 17 (disapproval) - OV Omeka.pdf
The letter discusses an incident of "beastly conduct of a woman" who Charlotte once defended and called her "intimate friend." Charlotte fears being "implicated by any misrepresentation of hers." Charlotte hopes that her mother's "account was a…

Athenaeum, Cushman Mentions, July-Dec 1845 (Vol. 2)

1845. Athenaeum v.2.pdf
Remarkably, Cushman's sister Susan and her mother are mentioned in the reports as wanting "a share of the fruits of Shakspeare's [sic] island." Cushman is characterized as a gifted and "prosperous actress." Credit Hathi Trust

Howitt's The Miss Cushmans (1846)

1846. People's Journal. NYPL Stead Article. Howitt about Cushmans.pdf
In this biographical article, Mary Howitt recounts events from Charlotte Cushman's life and emphasizes her personal virtues, her talent on stage and the struggles she faced in her career. She describes Cushman's long and painful struggle to success,…

"Provincial Theatres and Gossip", Era, Aug 2, 1846

1846. The Era. Gossip in Title.pdf
This short entry reports the news that Charlotte and Susan Cushman are about to make limited appearances in the Surrey Theatre. Credit The British Library Newspapers,Gale Digital Collections

"Reviews", Liverpool Mercury, Aug 16, 1846

1846. Liverpool Mercury. Rumors about Susan.pdf
This article reports on a lithograph of Charlotte Cushman being produced and valued at an astonishingly low price. It also praises Cushman on her skills and talent in acting, but disagreeing with Connoisseur that she is in the only tragic actress at…

Wemyss's Twenty-Six Years of the Life of an Actor and Manager (1847)

Wemyss (1847)_Twenty-six years of the life of an actor and manager - Omeka excerpt.pdf
Francis Courtney Wemyss is an actor and theater manager. The entry for Cushman envisions her as a business woman that cleverly paved her way to success by acquiring knowledge about the profession of an actress and the respective people involved in…

"A Real Romeo", Northern Star, Jan 9, 1847

1847. Northern Star, A Real Romeo, Jan 9, p. 3.pdf
This short entry reports on Susan Cushman's romantic attachment to a young Englishman from Liverpool. Credit NCSE: Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition

Excerpt from Grace Greenwood's "Sketch from Life" (1849)

NYPL Misc. A Sketch from Life. Omeka.pdf
Greenwood writes a sketch about Henry Elliot. The (auto)biographical account is published by Sara Josepha Hale in an edited collection called The Opal: A Pure Gift for the Holy Days (1849). Credit New York Public Library

"Rogers (the poet) and the Misses Cushman", Northern Star, Dec 8, 1849

1849. The Northern Star. Why dont you marry your sister.pdf
This short entry concerns the rumours about Susan Cushman's wedding and Samuel Roger's wife's remark that the former should marry her sister Charlotte Cushman. Credit NCSE: Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition

"California", Jackson's Oxford Journal, Aug 30, 1851

1851. Jacksons Oxford Journal. Rumor Male Attire.pdf
This is a short entry under news from America reports on the rumours that Charlotte Cushman has "adopted male attire" permanently. Credit The British Library Newspapers,Gale Digital Collections

Greenwood Leaves, Second Series, 1852

Greenwood Leaves - Omeka.pdf
Greenwood publishes her letters in a second series of her Greenwood Leaves.For instance, letter no. 12 is published in the National Era, Sept 23, 1852.The first series was published two years earlier, in 1850. Credit

"Miss Cushman", Era, Feb 1, 1852

1852. The Era. Rumors on CCs Death.pdf
This article addresses the false rumours of Charlotte Cushman's death and reports on the certainty of her recovery as she is back in favourable health. Credit The British Library Newspapers,Gale Digital Collections

Interesting Gossip, Richmond Dispatch, July 5, 1852

1852. Richmond Dispatch. Interesting Gossip.pdf
A short entry about Grace Greenwood stating that celebrity opera singer Jenny Lind Goldschmidt is an abolitionist, which is presented as "interesting gossip". Credit

"Grace Greenwood in Italy," New Hampshire Statesman, Apr 16, 1853

1853. Home Journal. Greenwood on Roma - Gossip about her Love Life..pdf
The article includes an excerpt from a "private letter" and remarks that, in London, Greenwood "was the frequent guest of eminent literary and noble personages, her sketches of whom have added much to the value of her letters." Rumors about her love…

Mowatt's Autobiography of an Actress; or, Eight Years on the Stage (1854)

Mowatt_Autobiography of an actress - Omeka Excerpts.pdf
Mowatt is an actress that performs with/meets Susan and Charlotte Cushman as well as Macready. She serves as an example of annother actress carefully analyzing press coverage. Credit Hathi Trust